Ever since Finn was born, and even before then, we would read to him. We wanted to show him reading from an early age. Now he loves us to read the same books, over, and over, and over. But it is the sweetest thing, when he likes to pick out a book and climb into our laps.

A fun loving picture book about the differences and similarities between Monsters and Kittens. Which teaches kids not to judge something or someone on how they may appear.

Do you like this book?
Oh yeah! Because monsters and kittens are my favorites!
What's your favorite part of the book?
I like all of the parts! Like when the mouse scared the big monster! And the monster was eating a cheeseburger! I like burgers with no cheese. And then the kitten and the monster were wearing sunglasses.
What do you think of the cover?
I like it. I like the kitten and the monster and the horns and the ears and the teeth on the monster.
Do you want me to read it again?
Uhm yeah

Cute book comparing monsters and kittens and how they're different but also alike.
The writing is cute and the illustrations are absolutely adorable.
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Dani Jones is an illustrator, artist, and writer based in New England. She began her career as a freelance illustrator in 2005. Since then, her work has been used in picture books, magazines, and educational publishing.
Dani also likes to create her own stories. She has produced and self-published several projects, including the ongoing webcomic My Sister the Freak (http://www.mysisterthefreak.com), the Halloween short story Frosty the Gourdman (http://www.frostythegourdman.com), and the children’s picture book Once Upon a Time (http://danidraws.com/onceuponatime).
Most of Dani’s illustration work is created on the computer in Adobe Photoshop. However, she also likes to play with watercolor, gouache, and oil paint, and she uses a lot of traditional painting skills to help influence her digital work.
At home, Dani is a triplet and has two identical sisters. They were born in Seoul, South Korea and were adopted as babies. Dani grew up all over the United States, living in 15 different houses in six states throughout her childhood. She currently resides in New Hampshire.