This tag was made by Amber Elise @ Du Livre
When did you start blogging and what was your first review?
Oh... Uh. April of 2015.
Here's my introductory post
And my first review was Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger
It's really funny seeing how my review style has changed.
I started blogging January of 2012. Such a long time ago. Geez. I really didn't know what I was doing but I dove right in. I designed my own blog all my own banners and such. It was a mess. I have no clue what I am doing with blog design.
My first post, I went back and updated to the style I do know. I am slowly working on doing them all but here is my first post... redone... here and the old style of one I have not yet redone... here. I have done a few redos from the original to another to the one it is now.
Who/what inspired you to start blogging?
Well, that's easy... Jenn did. I always wanted to blog, I started about 10 different ones by myself, not of books, just life. And I never had the commitment to them. But Jenn roped me in years ago, then we took a break. Now I'm back at it.
I started looking at reviews on Goodreads and would go to people's blogs that were listed. and I remember thinking book blogging is a thing? Then I saw some mailbox monday posts and waiting on wednesday post and though well that looks fun. I will give this a try. I didn't realize I would stick to it. I don't normally stick to things for this long. I am a bit ADD and non commit
What is a blog-related goal that you have?
Oh man, I don't know. Have authors view our blog? 10+ comments a post? A million pageviews? I can keep going.
I just like to stay up on my reviews, review as I read. I am horrible at this. Also, I would like to comment on more blogs and meet more bloggers. Really become part of the community. I have a hard time with this too. The social awkward thing going on.
What is one thing you wish someone told you about blogging?
I guess how time consuming it is, I mean I knew it took a lot, and a lot of time. But I don't think I ever realized how much, and how much commitment it takes.
I guess how time consuming it is, I mean I knew it took a lot, and a lot of time. But I don't think I ever realized how much, and how much commitment it takes.
That it is a lot of freaking work. A lot to keep up on and really a lot of pressure you put on yourself. I always feel I have to and really it's my blog I don't have to if I don't want to but I feel that I will disappoint if I don't. Who I have no idea. I guess myself and also my readers.
What was your biggest blog-related accomplishment?
Just the commitment we're having right now. We posted every single day in February, and we had 8K+ pageviews for February. And I feel like that's pretty huge. Maybe not for most blogs, but for us I think it is.
I agree with Ash. 8k may not be a lot for some blogs but that is a lot for ours. I don't know how accurate it is but it was nice seeing that number. I am also very proud of us for the amount of posting we are doing right now. It's a lot but doing it with Ash is fun. Plus in our new house, we have a room we can go to with television and a couch fo her and a desk for me and it feels more relaxed. I am rambling.
Just the commitment we're having right now. We posted every single day in February, and we had 8K+ pageviews for February. And I feel like that's pretty huge. Maybe not for most blogs, but for us I think it is.
I agree with Ash. 8k may not be a lot for some blogs but that is a lot for ours. I don't know how accurate it is but it was nice seeing that number. I am also very proud of us for the amount of posting we are doing right now. It's a lot but doing it with Ash is fun. Plus in our new house, we have a room we can go to with television and a couch fo her and a desk for me and it feels more relaxed. I am rambling.
What types of posts do you enjoy writing?
Well, we're doing a post about it this week, so I guess this is a bit of a spoiler, but I won't go into too much details. But I like the Answer me this a lot, and the top ten tuesdays/teasers tuesdays.
I like reviews and delightful discoveries, and that is all you get.
Where do you usually blog? What does your setup look like?
Well, if Jenn and I are having a blogathon (Happens a few times a week) then we are sitting in the den and I'm sitting on this super freaking comfy couch with my laptop, my book notebook (I legit don't go anywhere without it) my kindle, my current book, my phone, and my pouch of glitter pens. I have a comfy blanket, and there's a tv in here, so we take turns listening to music and watching tv (Oh gee. Another spoiler)
Anyway, if it's just me, then I have two places I can blog, well three really. Either I blog at work, when we're slow, in my room on my bed with about ten pillows behind me, or on the couch in our loft, while hubby plays video games.
Always in my den/office. The name of the room changes depending on what I am doing. It's a small room up towards the front. I think its a nice setup. We have a desk for me with the desktop computer. We have a couch and coffee table for Ash and her laptop. We also have a television.
What are three words that make you pick up a book?
Ash-Murder/death, zombies, thrilling
What is your Hogwarts House?


What is your favorite reading environment?
Hmm, usually my bed, once again with ten pillows behind me, snuggling in my blanket. I also like reading on the couch while hubby plays games, so we can snuggle.
My bed. I love to read in bed. I also like the couch in my living room with all the curtains opened during the day, or under the blanket in low light with my kindle at night.
What advice would you give to new bloggers?
Don't stress. Blogging is not life or death, it's meant to be fun. Yes, have commitment, but don't freak out if you miss a day.
Don't stress. Blogging is not life or death, it's meant to be fun. Yes, have commitment, but don't freak out if you miss a day.
Make sure you are committed to the work but don't feel obligated for anything. It is your blog. You can post once a week or 5 times a day. Its what you want to do. No pressure. Just find your groove and enjoy!

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