A little Bookish Banter to get us through. Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea.
Do you stick with the same genre's? Or do you venture?
I tend to stick with the same genres. I don't care for romance-y books, and I used to love contemporary, but then it got too much for me. I need something with oomph. Not normal everyday issues and I hate dealing with whining, which is funny, as a teenager I loved contemporary books. Books with "issues" like cutting, depression, etc. Books about romance and insta-love. Now I'm like ugh!

I like magic, or mystery, something thrilling happening. So I tend to focus on...
Fantasy like
Or horror like
Or dystopian like
Or post-apocalyptic like
Or mystery thrillers like
I try to venture, I do, and I'm starting to like a little bit more contemporary. But it takes a lot for me to want to read a book outside of those genres.
I like to venture as much as possible. I like to find new and exciting things to read but I also like to read the predictable. So it depends on my mood. I used to never venture. Before I discovered YA books I only read mystery, horror, and thrillers. It started when I was a teen and read Agatha Christie, Dean Koontz, John Saul, Mary RL Stine, Iris Johansen and Christopher Pike. I loved the mysteries, the thrills, and being scared out of my mind. I never read anything else. It sounded crazy to me. I knew what I liked. I even tried to collect all the books by these authors. I mean all of Christie and Koontz. That is nuts!

Then when Ash became a teen and wanted to read all these YA books, I wanted to know what she was reading. So I started off with Twilight series, The named series, and then Georgia Nicholson series. Well, we have paranormal romance, sci-fi and contemporary... which by the way Georgia Nicolson had me crackin up so hard. So I discovered an entirely new world of books opening up...

I decided I like some contemporaries, some retellings, space opera, some westerns, post-apocalyptic, dystopian, and the list could go on.
Some favorites I discovered by venturing...

So I learned to venture. Now don't get me wrong sometimes I don't want to venture. I want to stick to what I know and love, the ones that will probably be a slam dunk for me. This would be mysteries and thrillers. Those will always be my tried and true
and some of the best of my favorite genres

Do you Genre Surf or do you just keep it to your favorite?
I used to just stick mainly to historical fiction and adult contemporary, some mystery, but I've been branching out. I read more YA now and definitely more fantasy. I even have a feature on my blog where I try out new genres, and I've found some new favorites!
ReplyDeleteI like to read a really wide variety of genres. Pretty much the only one I don't read is horror. Other than that, I like them all!
ReplyDeleteI have my favorite genres that I read most often (fantasy, historical fiction being the top two), but I love reading books outside of my usual choices also. I love trying new things and although I might have reading preferences, if the writing/story/etc. is good, then I'm good with any genre. I've read sci-fi that I love, thrillers that I love, nonfiction that blow my mind, and so many more. I generally avoid contemporary books the most because I don't like reading about present-day things, but I'm always open to trying something. Great discussion choice!
ReplyDeleteI've done all my experimenting with genres over the years. Now I know what I like and I'm happy to stick to the favourite genres unless a particular book blurb really catches my eye.
ReplyDeleteI venture! I have some favorite genres (historical, dystopian, horror, contemporary), but I’ll read anything that sounds interesting.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!