Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Genre D&R: Horror: Monster Fiction

Genre Definition and Recommendation is a feature where we will define a genre or a sub-genre definition, have a discussion, and the make some recommendations.  

Horror: Monster Fiction

What is Monster Fiction? (Found here)

Monster Fiction Genre – What’s the best definition for the monster genre? Books in the monster fiction genre contain a monster creature in some way, shape, or form. Monster creatures include, but aren’t limited to: zombies, vampires, werewolves, mummies, aliens, and mutants. They can be anything and everything that’s not human, or no longer human, that may act in a instinctual and feral way towards humanity. The monsters can also be “created” as in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

I adore monster fiction of the horror variety. I find them harder to find than say serial killers, but when I find a good one, I love it. There are some that have kept me up, some that gave me horrifying nightmares, and some that just creep me out and I feel the heebie jeebies way deep down. I also find it difficult to discover new monster horror  beyond zombies most of the time. It seems that zombies kind of overrun it now. I do love zombie reads though but there are some other ones out there that are also pretty gross and horrifying.

The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone ByeThe Hatching (The Hatching #1)Bird BoxWatchers

So what kind of monster horror do you like? What are your favorites? Do you read them in the dark or with the lights on? Do they give you a real fright?

Image result for monster horror gif


  1. Back when I was younger I read a lot of Horror. I read Dean Koontz, Stephen King and Clive Barker. As I got older I drifted towards reading romance more but I watch Horror movies all the time. I love vampires and gargoyles. The romance I read usually has some sort of creature in it, whether it's a vampire, werewolf or ghost I still like the creatures.

  2. Koontz's Watchers is one of my favorite horror novels. I like the tension he builds in his books. :)

  3. Zombies aren’t my thing but I love a good monster. The creatures in Bird Box freaked me out but also made me curious.

  4. I LOVE Bird Box and TWD. I'll have to check out the two others! :)

  5. I love monsters, and zombies are my favourites! I have three shelves of zombie books and lots on my ereader. I read the traditional monsters like vampires, werewolves, demons etc. I also love sea monsters like sharks, krakens, pliosaurs, sawfish, piranha, chimaera fish. I enjoy Sasquatches, Yetis, snowbeasts of all kinds, titanoboas, mutant spiders, killer crocs, dinosaurs, scorpions, giant insects, swarms of killer bees, killer domestic animals, things that escape from labs, wendigos, mothman and other urban legend monsters. It's my favourite genre!

  6. I used to have a thing for vampires and sea monsters, especially sirens. There's not a lot of monsters in YA fiction, but I also LOVE a good ghost story containing a legend or two.

  7. I can't say I like monster fiction :D about the only thing that qualifies that I've read extensively is Stephen King! But he does write some great monster horror :)

    Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks


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