Friday, May 11, 2012

Follow Friday #17 and TGIF #2

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by
 Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read! 

Q: This Sunday in the U.S. is Mother's Day. In celebration, what are some of your favorite books with strong mother/child relationships?   

A: I really like the mother daughter relationship in Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand. This series shows a really close relationship still with its ups and downs. It felt realistic to me, kind of like my relationship with my daughter. 

Unearthly (Unearthly #1)Hallowed (Unearthly, #2)


TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads 

Supporting Characters: We tend to gush over those main characters the most, but what about those supporting roles? Who are some of your favorites? 

I really like the supporting character Jace in Stray by Rachel Vincent. He is hot, sarcastic, and sweet. I also like Scarlet in All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin. She is just Kooky and Original. 

Stray (Shifters, #1)All These Things I've Done (Birthright, #1)

Whats your answer?

Weekly Wrap Up: 



  1. I haven't read either of the books you mentioned - but I like to see some parental presence in YA books - a lot of the ones I've read, the moms/ dads are practically non-existent.

    And I just finished The Girl of Fire and Thorns, so I'm off the check out your review!

  2. I have read any of the books you discussed today, but they are all on my wishlist or in my TBR tower. I'll get to them one day. I'm particularly intrigued by the Unearthly mother/daughter relationship...sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing.

    Old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  3. I have seen Stray and I have been thinking about picking it up.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and the follow. Following you back.

  4. I haven't read the Unearthly series but I'm going to have to look into it.
    Following back :) Happy reading

    PS- I love your blog background

  5. Thanks for following. I still need to read the Unearthly series but they're there waiting on my shelf!

    Old Follower!

  6. I haven't read any of those. Gonna have to check those out. Followed back and thanks for stopping by the blog!:)

  7. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I'm following ya back!

  8. Oh my! I completely forgot about Clara and her mom!! I really loved their relationship as well. Thanks for stopping by!

    Following back. :)

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams

  9. New follower. Good choices I didn't even think of any of these names, wanna see my answer then click on my name.

  10. I've heard a lot of good things about Stray! Here's some great choices, definitely. I've also never read the Unearthly series... but the covers are beautiful! New follower! :)
