- the practice of watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming.
Our thoughts for Thursday is going to be all about binge watching! What is binge watching you ask? It's where you find a show, and just watch it, like a mega marathon. It's great. A lot of times, it will completely consume you. You won't sleep, all you will want to do is watch that show until it's done. ( no sleep and lots of food,l no body movement in Jenn's world = trouble . So binge watching is not good for the health) Once it's done, it feels like your entire world is done. Oh its over for sure. What in the world do I do now.
Netflix is the single best thing for binge watching shows. I probably binge watch just a bit too much, every time I find a show I love, I have to watch it all at once. My current show is Grey's Anatomy, ( and she has me hooked to but is way ahead of me so yes it causes conflict in the homestead) which is great, because there is like 11 seasons on netflix, with the 12th coming out this September. Another great one that I watch over and over is One Tree Hill. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen that show all the way through.
Here is my list of Binge worthy shows (I probably have a ton more I can't think of right now) :
The Walking Dead
One Tree Hill
Grey's Anatomy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Doctor Who
How I Met Your Mother
Pretty Little Liars
Once Upon a Time
American Horror Story.
I probably took some of Jenn's, but oh well. Any other great shows that are binge worthy? (yes yes you did )
Here are Jenn's Thoughts:
My current one is Veronica Mars... this all started with reading a veronica mars book and I loved it I have never seen the show so I tried it out and I was hooked. unfortunately it has only 3 seasons. Crying yes I am. So I am on the third season and I am going really slow.
Unlike Ash I binge watch on my DVR instead of Netflix. I love to read as we all know, so my shows tend to stack up on my DVR. So I take a weekend and watch a show that has about 5 or 6 shows stacked up. Just did this with The Whisperers and Wayward Pines. I don't have many shows I regularly binge on. I like to find new ones if I don't have them stacked on my DVR. Shows I haven't ever seen but have always wanted too. Or shows that I missed out on in the latest seasons. Like Vampire Diaries. That will be my next binge.
My comfort Binge is Friends and Big Bang Theory, and Charmed. I have binged on on 24 and that one is so much better on binge then on live TV.
when I binge, I like to take breaks and sometimes read but when Ash binges... you can't tear her away. Its a really sad thing to watch really. It's a mess.
So do you binge watch? what do you binge watch?