Sunday, March 15, 2015

Stacking the Shelves #98

Stacking The Shelves is a hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Come join the fun and share all the book you received this week. 

For Review:

Spelled by Betsy Show


Fairy Tale Survival Rule #32: If you find yourself at the mercy of a wicked witch, sing a romantic ballad and wait for your Prince Charming to save the day.

Yeah, no thanks. Dorthea is completely princed out. Sure being the crown princess of Emerald has its perks—like Glenda Original ball gowns and Hans Christian Louboutin heels. But a forced marriage to the brooding prince Kato is so not what Dorthea had in mind for her enchanted future.

Talk about unhappily ever after.

Trying to fix her prince problem by wishing on a (cursed) star royally backfires, leaving the kingdom in chaos and her parents stuck in some place called "Kansas." Now it's up to Dorthea and her pixed off prince to find the mysterious Wizard of Oz and undo the curse...before it releases the wickedest witch of all and spells The End for the world of Story.

5 to 1Written in the StarsThe Wrong Side of Right


Breaking SkyDead Zone  (Blackout, #2)Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)The Walled CitySpellcaster (Spellcaster, #1)Enders (Starters, #2)Vanishing GirlsTether (Many-Worlds, #2)


  1. I got Spelled as well this week. I hope that you love all your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Nice! I hesitated with requesting Spelled! It sounds great, but I don't know, something held me back. Perhaps it was my teetering TBR Mountain of Doom with a staggering review pile! At least more than usual! LOL!

    Hope you enjoy all your reads! I still need to read Spellcaster myself!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Awesome haul! I'm excited for 5 to 1, it sounds really interesting so I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it :)

  4. I really want to read Red Queen and Vanishing Girls, I hope you enjoy all these new books!
