Friday, March 13, 2015

Feature Friday #104

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Its been a while since I have done a feature Friday, it just sounded fun today. 

Featured Blog: Books Over Bros

Featured Question: 
Have you come up with any special memes or features on your blog that you'd like people to visit more? - Suggested byTake Me Away

Answer:  Of Course, I would always love to see more visitors whether its for reviews or features or memes or just to say hi. I am a little bit of a feature creature. I like to have names for things and structure so I have lots. I don't do them all every week although I do try to have some kind of routine. But lately between work, grandson, and well of course reading, things have gotten a bit behind. 

I have 

Genre Definition and Recommendation: Well it is what it says I try to recommend books I liked in particular genres- for those who are genre specific.... or not. This comes out on most Mondays. 

Delightful Discoveries: just new books I have recently discovered. Usually on Thursdays, sometimes on Mondays. 

Thoughts on Thursday- My gibberish. Not so good with keeping up on this one, its hard for me to babble on cue. But its up on Thursdays when I do. 

Wee Reads: book recommendations and a toddler's thoughts (well what I think he thinks) on board books. This feature will grow in book age as my grandson grows. This is Fridays but not ever Friday... he doesn't read them that fast yet.

Cover Up- Anything covers- this appears on the weekend and has no particular schedule. Its the weekend, its when I get inspired.

Totally tons!!!  I like to name things. I try to spread them out an of course do reviews too. 

Come by anytime!


  1. I need to come up with some new things..I just have a hard time naming things and feel like most things are already taken. :( Yours sound cool!

    Friday memes

  2. I really love all of your features! Very creative and inventive! New follower via Bloglovin!

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

  3. These seem like pretty awesome memes! I'll have to try to stop by more often in the week to check them out. :) I'm an old follower!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. Wow! That's quite a lot! My meme I made for myself is a day devoted to a totally random and obscure factoid! LOL! Lately, I've been on a Disney binge! And thankfully I just found a nice little article to give me a few weeks more worth!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I LOVE your Delightful Discoveries meme! It's the way I've found out about several books that have come out, so thank you for your creativeness!

    Nikki H @ Take Me Away...

  6. I love the Wee Reads idea!! That is awesome! I'll have to look out for it for when I have kids of my own! (;

    Old follower!

    Here's my FF!
