Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Review: Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

Rot & Ruin (Benny Imura, #1)Title: Rot & Ruin
Author: Jonathan Maberry
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
Publishing Date: September 4th 2010
Pages: 458
Genre: YA Post Apocalyptic
Series: Benny Imura #1
Source: Hardcover

Goodreads Summary:

In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn’t want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash—but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.

Acclaimed horror author Jonathan Maberry makes his young adult debut with this detail-rich depiction of a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has fallen, the dead have risen, and danger is always imminent.


This was another awesome zombie adventure for me. Fast paced, thrilling, and very captivating. I found myself lost in a different world.

This story is about Benny, a 14year boy who has lived in a zombie infected world for as long as he can remember. He is now at an age where he has to find a job and contribute to his city. His older brother, Tom, is a zombie bounty hunter but Benny isn’t sure if this is the path he wants to follow. While trying to find the right fit he discovers a hidden story about a lost girl. This story changes everything, the way he views zombies, feelings for his brother and his idols, and what he knows of the of the world he lives in.

Benny is a very strong character. Like most 14 year old boys, he thinks he knows all there is to know. He assumes the world he knows is exactly what it seems. There were many times that Benny made me mad, his thoughts on his brother and the ignorance that he chose to live by... but then I remember, he is only 14. When the time comes for him to grow up and fight like a man, he does. When it comes time to learn the truth, he listens. This is why I like Benny. But, my heart truly belongs to Tom!

Tom is Benny’s older brother by quite a bit of years. I don’t remember the book every going into exactly how old Tom is but it sounds like he was almost if not quite an adult when he had to run with Benny as a baby. Tom is quiet, sticks to himself, allowing others, including Benny to think the worst about it him. The truth, Tom is awesome, Tom has a huge heart, kicks butt, and lives by the only morals he feels are left in the world.

The story really follows Tom and Benny and their relationship along with the story about a lost girl. The book doesn’t have one story. Benny has a lot of growing to do and I really enjoyed reading his story. The relationships in this book between all the characters were just phenomenal. The characters were all very easy to relate too and I found myself hanging on every word of their lives.

This book is one that stays with you long after you read it. It wasn’t just another zombie book; it was a very emotional ride for me. This book really surprised me. I am hoping to be able to read the next installment ASAP! 



  1. I loved this one and the second one. Great review!

  2. I just picked this up from the library on Monday, and now I'm even more excited to start reading it! Great review. :D
