Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #10

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Spirit's Princess (Spirit's Princess, #1)
Spirit's Princess by Esther Friesner

April 24th 2012


Himiko the beloved daughter of a chieftain in third century Japan has always been special. The day she was born there was a devastating earthquake, and the tribe's shamaness had an amazing vision revealing the young girl's future—one day this privileged child will be the spiritual and tribal leader over all of the tribes. Book One revolves around the events of Himiko's early teen years—her shaman lessons, friendships, contact with other tribes, and journey to save her family after a series of tragic events. Once again, Esther Friesner masterfully weaves together history, myth, and mysticism in a tale of a princess whose path is far from traditional


  1. Old follower hopping through! Oh look, the covermodel looks like a female version of my dad when he's angry and running! WTF! O.O I would love to read it, but what if there is a kissing scene and all I read is something like "Then dad kissed Hector." or "Then Dad took of his bra." or "Dad thought his left boob was bigger than his right one." O.ô

    I have no idea where that just came from. Ignore me! XD

    Patricia // My WOW

  2. This looks good. I love stories about Old Japan. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Ooo, I have this one on NetGalley! Great pick! :) I also love the idea of this story - it's different, especially since I cannot recall any current books set in this time period.

  4. I have never heard of any of these! I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing.

    My WoW

  5. Interesting, I've never heard of this author. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. This book does sound good! Thanks for highlighting it!


  7. I love historical fic & historical romantic fic too.
    TY for stopping by &saying hi :)
    New follower.

  8. Looks interesting! I haven't heard of this series, but I think I'll have to look into it now :)

    Thank you for dropping by my blog.

  9. I haven't heard of this series but it does sound interesting. ^^

  10. Ah, now I feel silly for not realizing that Friesner has written more books, now I'll have to put them all on my to-read list!

    I'm really excited for this book as I studied Japanese in college, including some about history and mythology so I can't wait to see how she weaves it all together.

    Thanks so much for your WOW and your comment on my WOW

    ~Sam @ A Journey Through Pages

  11. Seems like a nice read! I'll wait to see what other readers think about it, though.

    Nice choice! :)

  12. This book looks so amazing. I can't keep my eyes off that cover. The girl just looks so....fierce. :)
