Thursday, April 5, 2012

Follow Friday #12

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Q: Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?

A: I don't think I have. I have bought books that I was interested in with not so good reviews, but I have never bought a book just because of a bad review. 

Whats your answer?


  1. I'm not sure I have, but it makes me curious if I read a really bad review. New follower :)

    My FF Post

  2. I'm always drawn to the bad reviews as I tend to dislike books that everyone raves about.

    My FF

  3. Hi there :) just hopping through... I don't know if it's just me but it seems a little silly to buy a book just because of a bad review.

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  4. Hopping through!

    My answer is similar!

    Have a great Easter!

    My FF

  5. Yeah my answer is very similar- bad reviews don't usually make me want to spend money on the book!

    Old follower but new on Linky :-)

    My FF:

  6. Bad reviews...meh. Nothing really effects my judgement on a book one way or another. When I read something I read it because I want to. I will admit that the world of bookblogging has opened me up to so many possibilities concerning the books I read. I'm just starting to get into adult fiction because of it, but I've never bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review.

    Old follower!

    My FF: Vicariously!

  7. I haven't bought a book because of one single negative review, but I have definitely read books because of negative reviews. : )

    Old follower!

    Patricia // My FF

  8. i'll pick up a book if it's a great review but if it's a bad review I don't bother with it!

    Trish - My FF

    1. Just hopping by, have a great week-end.

  9. New follower hopping through! Great post! I followed you through GCF and Linky Tools - you can return the favour over at :) Happy Friday!

  10. Reviews do, in fact, matter to me. But, I also love trying to find the controversial ones to see what the 411 is about.

    I'm a new Linky follower hopping by like Peter Rabbit.

  11. Agreed - I don't think I've ever bought anything specifically BECAUSE of bad reviews. If there's a book I'm interested in, but it's gotten mixed reviews, I'd probably be more apt to borrow it first rather than buy.

    New follower here! Happy Friday :).

    My TGIF/F&F @ YA Books

  12. I'm the same way. A bad review isn't motivation for me to buy a book. I don't let it be my determining factor because I'd still like to make my own opinion, but I'd be more likely to borrow a book in that case.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Old Follwer!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  13. Thank you for commenting and following! Your answer is great!
    Following back!

  14. Pretty much exactly the same for me. New GFC follower. :)
    My FF is:
    Happy friday! ^^

  15. Thanks for stopping by! following back.

  16. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Following back!

    Vikki @ V's Book Life

  17. Beautiful blog! I've followed you back x

  18. I have just the same answer. But I think there are more people who agree with that.

    Mariska (new follower)

    If you like to see My fff you can click on it :D

  19. Followed back.
    I completely know what you mean.

  20. I really agree with you, I wouldn't buy a book if it had reviews but I would consider checking it out!

    New follower by GFC! Hope you'll check out my blog, here's my FF:

  21. I agree with you!

    Thanks for stopping by and for the follow, I'm following back :)

  22. Hi,
    New follower, nice to meet you!!
    I agree with you!!
    My FF:

  23. xD I did buy a book because of a bad review, but not because I want to see how bad it was, but because I believe I will somehow like that book.

    Sorry for the late FF reply! Thank you for stopping by my blog, I'm following you back :)

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy
