Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: I love this... even if no one else does

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This weeks TTT is about those books that we love that not many others know about, they have under 2k ratings on Goodreads.

I decided to do 10 books under 1k ratings.
Lost in Wonderland (The Twisted and the Brave, #1)Screams You HearCopycat806AloneThe Stranger GameCampfireYou May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street, #1)The Less-DeadTrapped in Room 217


Silent Song (Ghostly Rhapsody, #1)Pillow Stalk (Madison Night Mystery, #1)Devils Unto DustNavigating the StarsKat and Meg Conquer the WorldAmy Chelsea Stacie DeeStainedThe Accidental Beauty QueenThe May Queen MurdersThe Strange Fascinations of Noah HypnotikRocks Fall, Everyone Dies


  1. I feel so bad for not having read any of the books above before! Everything looks good though! Added some to my tbr :)

  2. Big yes to Noah Hypnotik!! Loved that book. I do own Kat and Meg and hope to get to it.

  3. Great list! I want to read Devils Unto Dust really soon, it sounds right up my street.

  4. Lost In Wonderland looks rather scary, but definitely up my alley! (I love re-tellings lol)

  5. Haven't read any of the ones mentioned. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  6. These look intense! Thanks for visiting Long and Short Reviews!

  7. I heard good things about The Accidental Beauty Queen, too bad not many people have read it. Trapped in Room 217 sounds very Stephen King-y, I'm intrigued :D

  8. I haven't heard of these books. It must be hard to publicize adequately all the good books. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. The cover for Return to Fear Street is somehow both really creepy and really pretty at the same time.

  10. I have a couple if these on my TBR. Super excited for Campfire and Devils unto Dust. Great list

  11. I was really surprised when I was looking at my Read shelf and saw David Arnold's book on it. Look, I love his books and thought Noah was fantastic. Accidental Beauty Queen was so fun and cute and adorable. It definitely made me happy, and I really liked the friendship in Kat and Meg too.

  12. Ouhh lots of pretty covers, there!
    I went over some of thoses and added them to my virtual wanna read :3

  13. The Accidental Beauty Queen is on my TBR!

  14. Ooh Alone looks spooky! And I love that title Rocks Fall Everyone Dies! I have to go see what's about haha!

  15. I loved The Accidental Beauty Queen. It made my list this week too because it definitely deserves so much more love.

  16. Loved Campfire. I adore slasher films, so that one was great fun. A lot of these books look really up my alley, so I need to check them out!


  17. I've seen a lot of these books around but I haven't actually read any of them! I'll have to give them a look!

  18. I have Screams You Hear on one of my bookshelves-I love the cover and it sounds really good!

  19. I'm only familiar with one of those books, but that is kind of the point about this week's TTT. :) Thanks for showcasing your low rated book favs.

  20. Fun juxtaposition of lists, and I love TTT too, even if noone else does. Lol, I'm a voracious list maker. It doesn't get more campy and classic than R.L.Stine, been awhile since I read those:) Thanks for stopping by my list.

  21. All new books for me! This week is being really bad (or good?) for the TBR list!
