Friday, January 4, 2019

Creature Feature: The Redcaps are Coming!

Creature Feature created by Michael is a feature that focuses on the wonderful world of fantasy, science fiction, and horror creatures.

Today with have with us straight from Scotland the great bishop Anne O'Hara.

Me: Good to have you here with us today most reverend Anne O'Hara it's good to have you join us today.

Anne: Aye my pleasure laddy.

Me: So today we are discussing the villainous and demonic redcap. First off why are they called redcaps?

Anne: They stain their caps with their victim's blood which makes them red. 

Me: That is gross and don't they realize they might get a blood disease of some kind.

Anne: Well these creatures would die without the blood on their caps, so you see they needs it, laddy.

Me: So they need blood to survive like vampires.

Anne: Ah dinnae ken, perhaps it helps them use their magic or keep their spirit on Earth. But they don't use their teeth like vampires do they use thems iron pikes to slice through their victims to get all the blood they need.

Me: definitely don't want to run into these creatures where do they tend to live?

Anne: Mostly in ruined castles along the Anglo-Scottish border. But also some stories of other ruined buildings they lives in.

Me: what do you do if you run into a redcap? Can you just outrun them since they are short. Or try to fight them.

Anne: Nay, laddy you mustn't run. They like to chase and are far faster than yer legs can go. And ye can't fight thems they will prevail. The best thing to do I've heard is stand yer ground. Then yous look them in the eye and start quoting scripture from the Bible. That will make him scream and burst in flames, and nothing will be left except one tooth.

Me: That's kind of odd and spooky, but I'd rather not run into them. I think I will stay far away from that area if I visit England or Scotland.

Anne: Aye I understand.

Me: Well thanks for coming and thanks for the info about redcaps.

Anne: Yer welcome and lang may yer lum reek.

Me: What? 

Anne: Long may your chimney smoke or as Spock from Star Trek would say Live Long and Prosper.

Me: Safe travels and God Bless You.

Books featuring redcaps: 

Tales of WychwoodCold Days (The Dresden Files, #14)The Sons of Thestian (The Harmatia Cycle, #1)

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