Friday, February 9, 2018

Bookish Banter: What do you look for, when looking for new blogs?

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

When you look for new blogs to follow, what do you look for?


When I'm finding new blogs to follow, I make sure they review/discuss genres that I like. If they only talk about romance books or strictly adult books, then I won't have any interest in their blog. 

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I also really like blogs that do a lot of discussion posts, and memes, not just reviews. 

I want something I can have fun reading, find great new books I'd be interested in, and also something interactive. If I can answer questions, or interact with the post in any way, that's even better for me.

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But mostly I just want a blog that posts about genres I'm interested in. 

I'm still pretty new to following blogs, so I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking for yet, but this seemed like a good place to start.

Sorry, I don't have more to say about this subject. 

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I don’t find myself too picky on the blogs I follow. I try to give them all a chance, but I have a hard time visiting on multiple occasions if their blog isn't easy to read. That is the main thing for me.  I need to be able to see clearly what I am reading. I already have some vision issues happening. I don't want to search and squint and try to focus on some tiny or blended letters. I also like blogs that are easy on the eyes. Looks clean and softer colors. Bright hurts my eyes. I like a good menu to easily find reviews. 

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I read a lot of reviews before I read many books. I am a person that likes to know what she is getting into before she cracks the spine.  I tend to like reading reviews better than I like writing reviews. I like reading reviews of books I have read, not read, and are interested in reading. I just like reviews. 
So I guess I also look for blogs that have a good amount of reviews on a variety of books.

 I like discussion posts. I actually fail at discussions posts and I find it quite amazing when I find blogs that post discussion posts with brilliance. I have a hard time coming up with the topics, putting enough in the post about the topic, and making the post interesting. I am awkward in real life and it seems to come out in my posts too. 

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I find it hard to be charming, funny, or interesting. I post facts and opinions but it never seems to be quite enough to grab others’ attention. I am trying to work on this. So when I find a blog with discussions posts that are witty and pretty and bright. I love it and just hope I can comment to do the post justice.

I  adore posts with books that are coming out or recently discovered by others.  I score the web for unknown and new books. I'm on goodreads as much as others are on social media. I love discovering books. So these types of posts speak to me, they call my name.  I find it so much  fun when I discover a new book…. Then I go in search of reviews for it. Yup that is my life.

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I will do tags but then I don’t find many tags or get tagged much. I do love them though so if you do tags… tag us. We will participate.

So what do you look for in book blogs?
Do you like heavy opinions on all the books? Chatty people? Tag You're It? 

Let us know... we want to know!! 


  1. I give all blogs a chance, so long as they've posted within the current month. I like discussion posts too but can never decide on what to post about on my own blog, so I look for blogs that have those and interact with them. I'm with Jenn, I'm not too picky but have clear and easy to read content.

  2. Interesting discussion. I have eye problems, so if the blog is too colorful, I probably won’t be able to read it. I need dark text on a light background. Anything else is difficult. I also look for blogs that review the kinds of books I like, but I have eclectic reading tastes, so I follow a lot of blogs.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. I definitely look to see if the blog has a lot of reviews for books in the genres I like to read. I also like to see their discussion posts. I love blogs that have lots of discussions and tags. Memes that supply a weekly topic are great because they encourage me to get involved, kind of like tags do, but with memes its a weekly thing instead of just the opportunity for one post topic. Something else that is appealing is when that blog returns the follow and comments. I'm more likely to follow a blog that takes an interest in mine as well.
