Monday, May 6, 2019

Tag, You're It: 90's Book Tag

Stolen from Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader

1) She's All That - Name a book couple that are an odd pairing, but they still fit together perfectly.


I think the first one that comes to mind is Cress and Thorne. Mostly because they have such very different personalities. 

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)


I too pick Cress and Thorne. They always come to mind as an odd couple but still are perfect for each other. 

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)

2) 10 Things I Hate About You - a book or series that you have a love/hate relationship with.


Asylum. Because I love both Escape from Asylum and Asylum, but I don't like the rest of the series. 

Asylum (Asylum, #1)


Sookie Stackhouse. I love this series, but this series is also so bad and cliche and the characters can be annoying.... but I love the series and keep on reading them. 

Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1)

3) Clueless - A character that is totally clueless, but you love them anyway.


I can't really think of any. If a character is clueless I usually hate them and find them very annoying. 


Abby Copper... I think she is clueless on how to be in a relationship or how to think of others when making descuions but I do love her. 

Better Read Than Dead (Psychic Eye Mystery, #2)

4) Titanic - A book that made you cry.


I have a few of those. The most recent being 

Hot Dog Girl


Books make me cry all the time,this one stands out. 


5) American Pie - A Book that made you laugh.


Kim Reaper Vol. 1: Grim Beginnings


Shades of Pink (Lola Pink Mysteries #1)

6) Can't Hardly Wait - a book with a crazy party.


I guess...

Uglies (Uglies, #1)


I can't think of anything for this one. 

7) Cruel Intentions - name a character you can never fully trust.


Especially in the movies.

Disney Manga: Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow's Adventures


Jackal from Blood of Eden series. Love the character... but just never trust anything he says or does.

The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden, #2)

8) Name your favorite 'boy next door' or 'girl next door' couple.


Alex and Miles.

Made You Up


Zorrie and Lennon

Starry Eyes

9) Scream - a book with a memorable villain.


I mean really.

Pet Sematary



Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

10) The Craft - a book with witches.


Undead Girl Gang


Sort of kind of... at least they are seen as witches...

The Invited


  1. Just seeing 10 Things I Hate About You mentioned makes me want to watch it... yet again. :)
    I’ve been meaning to read Starry Eyes for months now and just haven’t got to it. I really need to move it up the pile because I’m certain I’ll love it.

  2. Oh fun!! I saved this post from earlier this week to do tonight! I'll be posting mine on Tuesday, though due to the nature of the post I amended the name to 90s Movies Book Tag as I did a 90s Book Tag not too long ago about other 90s related things! This one was a lot of fun though!
