Sunday, April 14, 2019

Tag, You're It! This or That? The Stressful Edition

Stolen from Read All the Things

Series or Standalones?


I think it really depends on the book. Sometimes I wish that standalones had more because I want more of the characters. But then there's time there is no way the series should have only been a standalone.

I guess I prefer standalones. I can finish them faster.

This one is hard for me. I prefer both at different times for different reasons, I like standalones because once I am done, I am done. It's a quick read with one book resolution. I like series because I love getting attached to the characters and the worlds. I get much more satisfaction from series.

 So I guess if you really want me to choose... which I feel is mean... I will say series. 

Magic earned or Magic born?

Earned I think. Or they were born with it and it comes to them later. 

I will say born with. The reason I like born with is because I like to see them come into their powers and to know the history and world building behind the born with powers. I especially like it when they don't know they will have powers. I really like to watch them come into them and watch them learn about the powers and learn how to control the powers. 

Image result for magic gif

Enemies-to-lovers or friends-to-lovers?

Friends to lovers I think. Because that's how it should be in real life. Start out as friends then fall in love

Friends to lovers. I like to see the friendship grow into more and I love the moment they realize oh I love this person and I am like duh! 

Hilarious banter or Emotional ruin?

Hilarious banter. Especially when it sounds natural. If it sounds forced then it's not fun. 

Hilarious Banter... I can't see ever wanting emotional ruin... but I have always loved the banter. I love to laugh and smile and it just brings warm fuzzies to my heart. 

Love triangle or insta-love?

Neither? No seriously... Ugh I guess insta-love. 

I can't answer this one because I don't like either... okay if I had to choose... it's the name of the game. I will go with insta-love. If it makes sense then sure... but really I dread love triangles because someone has to lose and I don't like good people to lose.

Keyboard-smash names or all names begin with the same letter?

Names that begin all with the same letter. That would make me happy. You know what doesn't make me happy? Names I can't pronounce. If it's in audio form sure, because I can hear it. When I'm trying to read I need to be able to pronounce it. 

I can't think of a reason I would enjoy either of these... but if I had to choose, I would choose the names that all begin with the same letter. I am so opposed to names I can't pronounce or remember how to spell when doing a review. 

Image result for huh gif

Mean parents or dead parents?

How mean? It's like do you want them to have crappy parents who hate them and they hate, or dead parents who they absolutely loved and left a hole in their hearts?

I can't pick y'all. I guess dead parents. 

Neither. I can't answer this. I want parents that are in the picture and care and I can't handle emotions with dead parents. But If you make me choose. I will choose dead parents. At least then I can have good memories of those parents. 

Supermodel looks or constantly complaining about how "plain" they are?

Supermodel looks. 
I cannot stand a book where the character is CONSTANTLY complaining. I just read one where she was always complaining about her weight, how fat she was, how she hated how she looked. I understand her poor self image was a big part of the book, but by the 100th time I heard it I was just done. 
I hate how I look, but I don't talk about it that much. It's annoying and unrealistic. 

Supermodel looks. I mean I prefer a plain Jane, but only if the characters in the books are constantly talking about. It drives me crazy! So supermodel looks. At least then everyone tripping over themselves makes sense. 

Face or typography on cover?

Face. I always love books with faces/models on the cover. It helps me picture them. 

Typography on the over. I love the simple covers with nothing but fun fonts and colors. 

Villain turning a little good or Hero turning a little bad?

Villain turning a little good. Actually, either or, really. Because I think villain turning a little good is... good. And expected. But a hero turning a little bad can definitely shake things up. 

Um villain turning a little good. i am all for humanity and redeemable characters. I don't like evil, mean people suck! 

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1 comment:

  1. I remember doing this tag. It’s so hard because most of the choices are terrible!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
