Sunday, April 7, 2019

Board Game Break Time: Gizmos

Board Game Break Time is a new feature we're bringing in, where we play board games and review them. 

Title: Gizmos
Manufacturer: CMON
Designer: Phil Walker-Harding
Release Date: 2018
Game Mechanics:  Card Drafting, Tableau Building
# of Players: 2-4 (best 2-3) 
Ages: 14+
Play Time: 40-450 Minutes 

Average Rating: 7.5

Average Rating: 4.6

This wasn't my first choice of guys when were deciding what to purchase next for our library. This was Michael's choice. I was hesitant to play due to the reviews I watched didn't really get me going for the game. But for Michael I chose to get this one. Once it came in and I opened it, I fell in love with the artwork right away. So cute and fun and light. I love the art work and I was getting a little more excited to try it. The components are really nice and the instructions seemed pretty easy to understand. So once Michael got home we played it right away. I actually really enjoyed this game. I think what I enjoyed about it the most, building my tableau to get a really nice chain reaction with all my gizmos. So much fun and really challenging. The game starts off kind of slow because it takes a while to get a good tableau going but once the game takes off, its boom boom and boom. The entire point of the game is to build your gizmos using different actions to cause a chain reaction to get the most points. It really was a ton of fun. I am glad I gave this game a go. The only complaint I really have is the card icons are hard to remember what they mean. I have to have the instructions close by. There are  ton of icons and remembering what they all mean may take a while. 

Length of play: 

What Michael Thought: 

Gizmos is a very addictive, fun, and challenging engine building game. The game uses marble and cards to help you create the greatest gizmos for the Science fair.
Using marbles as the key to build gizmos based off color. You than can use the gizmo to help add to your options if you grab a certain marble or build a certain gizmo. The trick is to create a domino effect where each turn you get to do multiple tasks and grab multiple marbles. But you also have to balance it so you can increase the amount of marbles you can hold and cards you can control.

I really like the concept of this game and it plays really fast. And you can constantly start think which ways to go to build better and more gizmos than your opponents. I enjoyed this game a lot and feel it can be easily explained but yet challenging enough to master a good strategy. I think it can be played well as a 2 player game, haven't yet tried it with 4 to see if gameplay gets to long.

Overall : 
Length of play:  


  1. This looks like a really elaborate game, but it seems like it's worth all the set-up. I'll have to look into it.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. oh Happy birthday! that gizmo board game looks cool but too hard for my 6 year old.
