Friday, April 12, 2019

Board Game Break Time: Dice Forge

Board Game Break Time is a new feature we're bringing in, where we play board games and review them. 

Title: Dice Forge
Manufacturer:  Asmodee
Release Date: 2017
Designer: Régis Bonnessée
Game Mechanism: Dice building, card drafting
# of Players: 2-4   Best: 4
Ages: 10+
Play Time: 45

Average Rating: 7.3

Average Rating: 4.6

This has quickly become one of my favorite games. I love the whole dice building aspect. And I seem to be pretty good at it, because most of the time I win. Not that that's why it's one of my favorites. I enjoy it either way.

The best part about this game is the strategy. You have to have some sort of strategy or else you'll just be kinda flop around like a fish out of water. 

We just got a new expansion pack too, and that one was a bit hard at first, because it changed the cards. 

Overall, I love this game. I don't have too much to say about it though. Oops. 

Length of play: 

We got this last year for Christmas. At first I didn't think this game would appeal to me. I mean that box just didn't speak to me by Michael had it on his wish list. So I made him happy and bought it for him for Christmas. From the first time I played to the last time I played and I am sure for many future plays.... I love this game. It was such a diamond in the rough for me. 

So this game is a dice builder, and you actually build your dice. Cool right. Everyone has their own set of dice and each person's turn, everyone rolls. By the time the turns come around to you, you have gold to buy new die faces and elements to purchase some cool cards... both of which will help you roll better to get more points to win the game. 

Its a very active game for all players, not a lot of down time. Very fun and I just love. The expansion just came out and we snatched it up right away and we have played with the expansion which really makes it like a whole new game. The expansion has two modules so now this game has three ways to play. Yippee... I am sure we will be playing this for many game nights in the future. 

Length of play: 

What Michael Thought: 

Is a game that we all seem to really enjoy. It basically is a dice building game. Everyone starts off with 2 dice that both have equal sides and equal values on each die face. On everyone's turn you get to roll dice to collect gold, shards, or victory points.
On your individual turn you can use gold to upgrade 1 or more die faces depending on how much gold you have and what you want from the available die faces. Or if you have enough moon shards or fire shards you can go on a heroic quest to get a card that can be an instant use, every turn use, or a specific die face, or an end game victory point.
The various upgrades and die faces make the game varied each time. Plus there is not much downtime since you are constantly rolling and collecting things on every person's turn. So you are almost constantly engaged.
We recently got the expansion which adds 2 new elements and a new die to the mix. We played the goddess version of the expansion and we really liked it. The only drawback is putting game together and trying to learn new cards and abilities each time you play. Still I recommend this for fans of strategy and dice games. If you are new to gaming this might be a bit more difficult to learn and understand.

Overall : 
Length of play:  

1 comment:

  1. it sounds like a game for older kids rather than younger ones, should be interesting if you are competitive in nature. But very simple aim.... depends on who you play it with i guess
