Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: I Want to Read This...?

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week's TTT is books that are coming out that you're on the fence about. Maybe you want to read it? But you're really not sure?


Most of mine are Sci-fi or fantasy. I'm always on the edge about those, but most of the time end up liking it. 

The AntidoteThe Cerulean  (Untitled Duology #1)The Beauty of the MomentThe DysastersWithin These LinesThe Pioneer (The Pioneer, #1)SquadThe Tesla LegacyThe Weight of the StarsQuarantine: A Love Story


Mine are mostly fantasy. I love fantasy but sometimes they can drag for me. Lately it seems YA is full of them. But there are a few others on the list that are not fantasy. Here are my top ten of... yeah... maybe....

The Tiger at Midnight (The Tiger at Midnight Trilogy, #1)Crown of Feathers (Crown of Feathers #1)Smoke & Summons (Numina Trilogy #1)FollowingWarrior of the WildThe HauntedThe Storm Crow (The Storm Crow, #1)When We Were LostKeep This to YourselfDreaming Darkly


  1. I know I have The Cerulean on my TBR, but I don't remember at all what it's about!

  2. I did read The Beauty of the Moment, and I liked it. It was a really multifaceted story, and the ending was so standout for me.

  3. Okay, I’m feeling seriously out of touch because *ALL* of these are new to me. What rock have I been under? LOL Within These Lines catches my eye,, though. The cover alone makes me think it would be a heartbreaker.

  4. The Antidote, Crown of Feathers, Smoke and Summons, and The Storm Crow are then only ones on your lists that I've even seen before. And the only one I had come across before this week's Top Ten Tuesday is Smoke and Summons, which sounds good but perhaps a bit dark for me. I have some other Charlie Holmberg books to read first.
