Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: I wanna go there!

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is places that we wanted to visit after reading about them in a book. 


I decided to do 5 real places and 5 fictional places. So here we go.

Real places:

1. Edinburgh, Scotland like in

2. A tiny little island called Hemlock island like in

3. Maine like in

4. Salem, Massachusetts like in

5. Tennessee like in

And now for the fictional places.

6. Wonderland like in 

7. Narnia like in

8. Neverland like in 

9. Fairyland like in 

10. New Beijing like in 

And a bonus place... Lovecraft like in 

Jenn-Here is my list. 

1. Happy trails campsite -I think I could get along with these residents and hang out by the lake, stay the night in camper, make a bonfire or two. Yup I could go here. 

2. The Westaway House - This house sounds creepy and beautiful all in the same breath. 

3. I would love to visit Madison's Knight studio and her house. I would just love to see all the mod designs. 

4. The part of Ireland, where this book takes place... or just Ireland in general 

5. Stillhouse Lake sounds pretty and relaxing.... minus the evil that is. 

6. The New York Comic Con or any real comic con. 

7. Hogwarts of course! 

8. The cruise ship with a traveling circus- minus the murders 

9. Narnia ... because of who wouldn't! 

10. New Beijing and all the worlds of Lunar Chronicles. So I can meet all these wondeful characters.


  1. I'd love to also visit Narnia, Neverland and Wonderland! Although Wonderland may be a little too much, I can't imagine having rude flowers talking to me and then having a sea where I once stood because I started to cry lol. When my children watched it they kept asking me why is this happening?! LOL! ;)
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

  2. I'd also love to visit Edinburgh one day! Same with Wonderland, Narnia, and Neverland (though I definitely want some easy to access escape routes for each... just in case, haha) The Westaway house sounds super interesting.

  3. Narnia is such a great pick. I’d love to go and visit Mr. Tumnus and the Badgers... but I’d need a guarantee that I wouldn’t run into the White Witch. :)

  4. Niiice! Yay for Harry Potter and Neverland and Wonderland!! I STILL need to read Escaping from Houdini! Maybe if I get caught up on a few more review books I'll make time for it! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Narnia was a childhood dream of mine. I am still interested, though.

  6. I think most of us would love to go to Hogwarts! So many great places to visit in Harry Potter world!
