Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Review: Immoral Code by Lillian Clark

Immoral CodeTitle: Immoral Code
Author:  Lillian Clark
Publisher: Alfred A Knopf for Young Readers
Publishing Date:  February 19th, 2019
Pages: 272
Genre: YA Contemporary Caper
Series:  Stand Alone
Source:  ARC

For Nari, aka Narioka Diane, aka hacker digital alter ego “d0l0s," it’s college and then a career at “one of the big ones," like Google or Apple. Keagan, her sweet, sensitive boyfriend, is happy to follow her wherever she may lead. Reese is an ace/aro visual artist with plans to travel the world. Santiago is off to Stanford on a diving scholarship, with very real Olympic hopes. And Bellamy? Physics genius Bellamy is admitted to MIT—but the student loan she’d been counting on is denied when it turns out her estranged father—one Robert Foster—is loaded.

Nari isn’t about to let her friend’s dreams be squashed by a deadbeat billionaire, so she hatches a plan to steal just enough from Foster to allow Bellamy to achieve her goals.

I was very excited for this read. I didn't know exactly what I was getting myself into, but I was pretty hyped to get this book. There aren't many of these in the YA Genre, so I thought...this should be fun. It took me a bit to get to this book but I finally read it and I enjoyed it. It wasn't quite the show stopper I was hoping for and I did have some issues... well really just one minute one. Overall thought it was a fast paced light read with some very very quirky characters. 

Long story short is this.... there once was a very smart girl who was accepted into a very pricey school, the school of her dreams. Her mother was a single mother who worked two jobs to support them, smart girl should be able to qualify for a loan but because baby daddy has loads of money, she doesn't get the loan... even though baby daddy is not a good daddy and doesn't really support smart girl. 

So smart girl has some really good friends, and her best friend is another smart girl who knows a bit of something about hacking... So these friends come up with a white collar crime that steals money from baby daddy so that smart girl can go off to the school of her dreams. Of course these are all teens and you know it's not as easy as it all seems. 

This book was a lot of fun. The characters were all so quirky with a bunch of one liners that had me cracking up at times... oh the chapter titles gave me some giggles too. This book isn't really mean to be a comedy and for the most part it's a very serious book but there were some laughs here and there that brought down the seriousness just enough to enjoy. 

The relationships between all the characters was fun to be a part of. Each and every one had a different dynamic to their relationship with one another. So there was a ton to explore here. I really did like all the characters. They were all broken and had their issues, but they all had some redeeming qualities too. 

I liked the story for the most part. I loved how the author had some of the teens questioning if what they were doing was right and the others were able to easily justify the actions. So moral dilemma... check. I like books that really focus on the gray areas. 

The entire  book I was rooting for these young criminals to get away with it but also wanted these little heathens to change their mind and walk away. I felt  for Bellamy really I did. The entire situation was just sucky... but as an adult with some what of a moral compass..I was like this is so wrong... but then I wanted to see them get away with it so I could watch them pull it off.  My feels were so confused. 

The pacing was quick but not rushed. The writing was well done. The entire book felt well thought out and I was amazed how well the author was planning a crime. Really the only issue I had with this book... was the ending. I couldn't figure out how I felt about the end. So really that is it. Other than the ending this would have been a 4 heart rating for me. 

This was a fast light fun read. 

Lillian  Clark

Lillian Clark, a graduate of the University of Wyoming, grew up riding horses, climbing trees, and going on grand imaginary adventures in the small-town West. She's worked as a lifeguard, a camp counselor, and a Zamboni driver, but found her eternal love working as a bookseller at an independent bookstore. Now living in Teton Valley, Idaho with her husband, son, and two giant dogs, she spends her time reading almost anything and writing books for teens.


  1. This sounds like a fun read, but I'm glad it also has a lot of depth!

  2. Replies
    1. I feel its a caper because the characters are planning and implanting a crime, heist of sorts.

  3. This was all about the friendships for me, and I found all the characters really interesting too.
