Saturday, February 16, 2019

Creature Feature: It's Sasquatch Time

Creature Feature created by Michael is a feature that focuses on the wonderful world of fantasy, science fiction, and horror creatures.

The Smell of the Sasquatch
Timothy Wayne
Mountain Gazette Editor

I've seen it with my own two eyes, Bigfoot is here in these woods," Scientist John Youngman stated. "I once thought all the stories were hoaxes as well, but when you smell it and see it you really do seem to understand the legend."

John Youngman lives near the Yacolt Mountains and took a hike up the mountain to clear his head. When he smelled something quite different.

"It smells kind of like horse dung, but with a more distinctive odor to it. I thought maybe I stepped in some crap but looked at my boots and they was clean as a whistle," Youngman stated.

Youngman didn't have a camera or his phone on him at the time so he has no pictures. He did find a deer carcass that had bite marks and claw marks that were bigger than any mountain lion he has seen.

"They were huge and looked more gorilla like. And I know they ain't no gorillas in these woods." Youngman said.

Alice Frost, a local in the area, has camped in the woods on more than one occasion and also has smelled the bigfoot, but hasn't seen it.

"That smell you can't fergit it. It smells like shit it does. Plain nasty I say. You done smell it once you ain't want to smell it again that is fer sure," Frost said.

I asked her how she knew the stink she smelled was from Bigfoot and not another animal.
"O this shit it's different it is. Smells like a combination of horse shit, moldy hay, and a wet dog all the same time. And I seen a critter scamper off real fast like so I knews it was close by."

An increase in dead animals has been reported by Clark County Sheriff's Office in the area. And Forest Rangers that patrol the trails have also noticed more dead carcasses.

Sasquatch sightings have been known in these woods and along this path for years with very little scientific evidence.

John Pasternack a scientist at Oregon State University states, "It's a bunch of stories nothing more. It's kind of like that telephone game you played in school. Where stories get mixed up and things get blown out of proportion. There is no Big Foot and no science that backs it up."
But for many in this area they believe.

"Oh, it's real alright, Big Foot is out there and lives somewhere in these woods, "Youngman states. "We will find him and get evidence soon enough."

Books featuring the Sasquatch: 

MonsterThe Sasquatch Escape (The Imaginary Veterinary, #1)Sasquatch: Legend Meets ScienceProgenyThe Bigfoot FilesThe Boy Who Cried Bigfoot!

Movies featuring the Sasquatch:

Image result for Son of Bigfoot  movie posterImage result for Exists movie posterImage result for Bigfoot: The Movie


  1. There are a lot of books on sasquatch or bigfoot. I even used to have a friend that went mountain hunting looking for bigfoot.

  2. I love the big hairy guy. Whether it's a funny or scary book or movie, I'm in for it. Though I lean toward the scary ones!

  3. Great list!! I don't think I've read a book about Sasquatch since I was a kid! Definitely time to change that!

    Erica | Erica Robyn Reads
