Saturday, January 26, 2019

Answer Me This: Any New Year's Resolutions?

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better.

This Answer Me This is all about New Years resolutions. I know we're a bit late, but better late than never right?

Image result for new years resolution gif


I don't know that I have any New Years resolutions. I don't really believe in them to be honest. Wait until the New Year to be a better you? That's like saying "I'll start the diet tomorrow" Let's do it now.

Now with everything that has gone on in the past year, and even the past month. I guess I do have some things I want to change. Especially after losing Greyson.

1. Be healthier. Not just lose weight, but be healthy in general. Even though I know losing him wasn't my fault, I can't help but feel that maybe if I had been healthier, I wouldn't have lost him. Or maybe the pregnancy would've been easier.

2. Be a better person. I know this is so super cliche, but it's not even just being a better person. It's being a better mom, daughter, wife, sister, friend. I went through the worst thing I could, and I want to be there for others who are hurting for any reason. I want to be there for my husband and for my son.

3. Not let the little things get to me. A dog barking? A slow driver? Someone being stupid online? These things don't matter. It's life, it's whatever. At least we are still alive and able to have to deal with these things, ya know?

Anyway, those are my biggest things. I guess they're pretty normal things, but they mean so much more now.


I am not a person that usually does New Year's Resolutions... I fee they set you up to fail. But this year there are things I would like to work on.  It's been a very hard year and in that hardship I have learned many things. So many of these resolutions stem from that for my Mind Body and Soul

1. Be healthier... this goes for everything. I need to eat healthier, I need to take care of my self more. I need to move and get out of the house. I need to eat what is going to help my body not hurt my body. I need to focus on things that are good for not harmful to me. 

2. Be more positive.... I am not a negative person per say. But I can obsess on things that really don't matter. I need to let go of the little things. See the positive and live the positive. 

3. Learn to lose control.... I am a control freak. I have to control so I don't fear. I am a very fearful person. See where this is going. I need to learn that its okay when I can't control something or when I fear something it's okay just to let it be. 

4. Trust God more. this goes with my control and my fear issues. I can't control it, protect it, change it, so I need to let it go and trust God will take care of it all for me, and trust in his resolution not the one I forsee should be. 

5. Family.... more family time. I just need to be around my family. Yes... Ash and her family live instead of taking that for granted I need to just enjoy it... let my expectations go an just enjoy my family. 

6. Let the rest of fall where it needs to fall. The things that are important. ... My spiritual life, my healthy self, my family.... So if nothing else falls into place... let it fall where it will fall and be okay with that. 

So there you have it. I just want to be a better person and a happier person.

Image result for new years resolution gif

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