Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bookworm's Wishlist: Beauty and the Beast

This weeks Bookworm's wishlist is Beauty and the Beast. Some of it will be the disney version, but that's okay.


Book marks!

Home Stuff

Stuff to wear

Yummy stuff... And smelly good stuff


  1. Cool! I love those bookmarks, especially the stained glass style one. :)

  2. OOoh the pretties! While I always admire the up-cycled bookish objects, a part of me still cringes just a little to see what was done to the preciouses! Lol!

  3. I want ALL OF IT! Haha I have a bit of a merch addiction... which is why I've decided to stay off of Etsy, Society6, etc etc. The decorative plate is so adorable and I would love that necklace or one of the candles. I'm thinking that I'll need to order more candles soon so maybe I'll go for this theme :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  4. ooooh I love the Beauty and the Beast prints! Those are super cute. ❤️
