Monday, June 25, 2018

Bookish Banter: Those Fictional Characters I Need In My Life!

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

I would just love to hang out with these characters!


I have many many many characters I would just love to be friends with! The Lunar Chronicles is definitely a good example. Oh to be friends with Cress and Thorne and Iko and Cinder and Kai and... Well all of them! 

Image result for all of them gif  Image result for all of them gif

Also the characters from the Splintered series. I need a Morpheus in my life! Alyssa, Jeb, and Jenara are all pretty cool too!

I think any characters from Alice retellings would be awesome, because they're all crazy and interesting. 

So Alice people and TLC are going to be my picks.

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This is such a hard subject. I mean personally, I need all the fictional characters in my favorite books to be in my life. I will talk about some of my absolute favorites though. These come to my mind every time I think about this subject. I need all the characters from the Lunar Chronicles to be my besties. I mean I think I have never ever loved any characters as much as I loved these characters. There are others out there that would be for sure awesome to know... but these guys... if they were real I would legit stalk them. 

Image result for stalking gif

They are the best by far characters ever. They are so different individually and mesh altogether so perfectly. So no I couldn't be friends with one, I need them all. I kind of figure they would do everything together anyway.
I would meet Captain Thorne first of course. He would be the easiest to befriend I think. I would just tell him how gorgeous and perfect he is and I love him oh so much and BAM we would be besties! 

Image result for I love you i know gif

I would tell Thorne that he has the bestest besties ever and he would so agree because everything he does is the best and then to prove this point. He would introduce me to the rest of the crew. We would all have a wonderful party and then become the besties for life. 

Image result for best besties gif

Which fictional characters are you obsessed with?


  1. I'm not obsessed with any fictional characters! I just read the book then move on to the next! If there was a Tyrion Lannister and Samwell Tarly who had read all the same fiction books I have, they might be interesting to talk books with.

  2. I'm gonna go with Chuckles, the first character that comes to mind for me is Tyrion Lannister. He is hilarious.
