Sunday, May 20, 2018

Tag, You're it! Would You Rather Book Tag

Stolen from Skye on Wattpad

Would you rather... read only trilogies or stand-alones?

That's... difficult for me. I like trilogies and stand-alones both for very different reasons. I'm gonna go with stand-alones.

Trilogies. - I prefer series to stand-alones most of the time. I am stubborn about leaving worlds behind. So I would rather spend most of my time in the worlds I love rather than discovering new ones. 

Would you rather... read only male or female authors?

Uh, I don't have an opinion one way or the other on this. I guess female? Uh, yeah.

Female authors. I just seem to enjoy more books by females than males. I think because I read a lot of YA and the teenage boy mind is somewhere very strange for me. I do still enjoy male authors too though. Don't judge me when I am forced to choose. 

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Would you rather... shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

That depends. Amazon is so much cheaper. But I want my books NOW. Uh, Amazon. Let's go amazon.

Amazon. Except you can't get them right away... I mean Amazon has more choices and easier to find the books you want and it's cheaper. But I would miss the bookstore feel. I love walking into a bookstore. Why are these questions so hard?!

Would you rather... all books become movies or TV shows?

Movies? Sure, let's go movies.

Tv shows. I like TV shows more than movies. I like that they last longer and can really make the story last. 

Would you rather... read only 5 pages a day or 5 books a week?

5 books a week!

5 books a week! Why in the world would I only want to read 5 pages? That is torture. 

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Would you rather... be a professional reviewer or an author?

Reviewer, I think. But it would be cool to be both!

(Guys I'm really bad at this)

Oh! Professional reviewer. I don't think I'd make it as an author. 

Would you rather... only read your top 20 favorite books over and over again or only be able to read new books you've never read before?

Book I've never read

New books- I would miss my favorites but I am not much of a re-reader anyways. Too many good books out there that are calling to me. 

Would you rather... be a librarian or a bookseller?

Librarian, I think

Librarian - Something about a library just calms me and makes me feel special. 

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Would you rather... only read your favorite genres or every genre but your favorite?

Only my favorite! What kind of question is this?

Favorite genre. There's a lot of thrillers out there. I would have many many choices. 

Would you rather... only read physical books or e-books?

Physical. I love seeing them on my shelves. And I've noticed I do better with not getting distracted if it's a physical book.

E-books because that's all I can read now. Stupid eyes! I do miss physical books oh so much! 

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  1. I pretty much get all my books from Amazon as it is so handy to get the stuff the nearest decent book shop is in the city which is too much hassle to get to!

  2. Who only reads 5 pages a day?! It’ll take a whole year to finish one book. I don’t think I could manage 5 books a week, though. Unless they’re very short.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
