Monday, May 7, 2018

I Read That Movie: The Giver by Louis Lowry

I  read that movie is a feature where we compare movies or TV series, and the books they're based on.

The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver (The Giver, #1)Title: The Giver
Publisher: Ember
Publishing Date: April 26th, 1993
Pages: 208
Length of Audio: 4 Hours and 51 Minutes
Genre: Classic Dystopian
Series:  The Giver
Source: Book
Twelve-year-old Jonas lives in a seemingly ideal world. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver does he begin to understand the dark secrets behind this fragile community.

Mini review:

What made me read this book: 
I'm not sure what made me read it years ago, to be honest. I think it was probably one of those books everyone talked about and I felt like I had to read it.

What did I like the most: 
The first time I read this book, I don't think I appreciated it as much as I should have. 

With that being said, I love the story. I love the idea of a place so perfect, that they have literally taken everything different and unique out. There is no animals, there is no color, there is no anything of interest at all.

And the worst part is, is that they just live that way because they have no idea what life could really be.

So the story itself is so unique in that way, along with the fact that memories from before, are shared just between the two people. I've never read a book similar to that.

The characters are good, I love how once Jonas starts getting memories, he realizes how wrong their life really is.

It's a well written, unique story, that I think everyone should read to be honest. 

What didn't I like: 
Not really anything I didn't like, except how wrong everything was, and how everyone just acted like it was no big deal, because that's all they really knew.

The Giver PosterRelease Date: August 15th, 2014
Cast: Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Thwaites, Odeya Rush
Series: Standalone 

In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world.

Mini Review:
The movie itself is really great, the acting is well done, and the effects of it are great. 

Let's compare:
Did I see the movie or read the book first?
I read the book first.

Like the movie or the book better?
I think I like them equally for different reasons.

How does it compare?
The story is the same, the characters are mostly the same, but there are some pretty big differences. 

I think for a book adaptation, it's pretty well done to match the book.

Do the actors match the characters in the book?
Well, yes and no. The characters in the book are just turning 11, as opposed to in the book they're graduating, which I assume means probably 17 or 18. They are much older.

As far as the looks of the actors, I think they matched up okay.

Major differences?
Well besides the age thing...

In the book Fiona was assigned to be a caregiver for the old, in the movie it was with the newchildren. And Asher was assigned as head of activities, or what not. In the movie he's a pilot. 

The way that the giver transfers memories is different, in the book Jonas has to lay on his stomach with his shirt off and the giver places his hands on his back and transfers it, but in the movie they have these... birth marks on their arms that they have to touch together to transfer. 

There are a few other differences, but some of them are spoilers and some of them are just little things that bug me, like instead of taking a pill daily they have an injection. I don't know why, but it bugs the crap out of me.

Fun Facts?

Jeff Bridges had been trying to have the movie made for nearly 20 years and has even filmed a version of it with his family. Speaking on the Nerdist Podcast he said: "I originally wanted to direct my father in it, as a matter of fact, somewhere in some garage, there is a version of this movie with my father (Lloyd Bridges) playing The Giver, Bud Cort narrates the whole thing, Beau's kids, one is shooting it, one is playing Jonas. We did the whole book, so that's around somewhere."



  1. I read The Giver back in seventh grade I think, but I would really like to pick it up again sometime! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'd like to. I'm always a bit annoyed that movies always make characters a bit older, but I've sort of grown used to it at this point, haha. Wow, I didn't realize Jeff Bridges was such a fan and tried for so long to get this movie made! That's really interesting. Great post!

  2. I read everything my son read all through school until he graduated, so I read this one when he was in middle school. I ended up going to the library and reading the next two. Everyone has told me that I would hate the movie, so I haven't watched it. 📚

  3. I must admit I just found this book dull. Not enough happening for my personal taste. I have no plans to watch the film!

  4. I agree that they did a really good job adapting this one for the movie. I enjoyed both versions!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
