Sunday, July 24, 2016

Answer Me This: Where In the World Have You Been??

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better. 
A question will be asked and answers will be given by both Ash and Jenn. We hope you enjoy getting to know us outside of the bookshelves.

So I am sure some of you have noticed... we have been quiet on the blog. We have disappeared for just a bit and I hope that all the chaos in our  life is settled for a bit. It has been so crazy around here.
We have gone through hospitalization of little Finn. Some minor and not so minor medical issues around the household, job searching, and of course the crazy summer activities in between all the other crazy.

I think it's settled for now. We hope and we hope to be back to our regularly scheduled nonsense on the blog and our happy comments to others. We want to get social again.

Only a little social though, don't forget you are going to Gencon in a week!

For now, I will give you a little bit of details on a few things that made our life so hectic.... just in case you need some time to fill.

Our little Finn... well he had Staph and was in the hospital. It wasn't bad... we caught it real quick but it was scary and it was miserable seeing him be poked and prodded in the hospital. Luckily we found it early and we went from a doctor's visit on a Saturday afternoon to ER on Sunday night and the children's hospital on Monday right at midnight. He is good. he had to stay about 3 days on some heavy antibiotics then 10 days of giving him pills... that was not fun. He is back to his normal self.

I wouldn't say "normal" but he is doing much better. Also, it wasn't pills we had to give him, it was a pill that we opened and put the powder in a tiny bit of water in a syringe. And it was the single nastiest thing I have tasted in my life, and it stayed in your mouth. It was awful. Now every time i see a little rash on Finn, I have a tiny freak out moment....


After that happened I started to look for another job. I decided it was time for me to move on and find something new. I was stressed and busy every night sending off my resume and of course ,going to interviews and having phone interviews. I have hardly had time to read at all. I will post more of this updated at another time.

In the meantime, I have had some painful issues going on that had the doctors stumped a bit. Well after some sonograms and some doctor visits, we figured it out. It's not real serious but can cause pain and I will need to make a decision in the future to get surgery or live with some pain. Still, I have not decided.

Then this week Finn, Ash, and I got a pretty bad cold. It's short lived compared to some but it was a pretty nasty bout. I am on the very tail end of it. So yay. Maybe now my life can resume to the normal crazy. By the way, Summer colds are the worst.

It's still kicking my butt. I just felt so exhausted and weak all the time! Ugh.

On a good note.... we have been hitting the pool and movies on the weekends we have all been healthy. We have seen Finding Dory, Secret Life of Pets, Jungle Book, and X-Men Apocalypse in the theaters. Enjoyed every single one. Maybe this weekend will be Alice Through the Looking Glass or Tarzan. Both I am very much looking forward too. I think Ash and I want to start reviewing movies too but not there yet.

Update: Y'all went to go see Tarzan today! Next weekend is Alice, I hope.

I have so many ideas and need to do's on here but such little time. I hope to fix that soon.

That is our crazy this last month... what about everyone else out there???


  1. YIKES!!! Sick kids are the worst. The worrying alone is terrible... and then everything else :( My son had a Staph infection also when he was just a newborn, so I know how scary that can be. And Summer colds are seriously the worst ever!! Hope you guys are done with the bad stuff for a while :) Glad Finn is feeling better!!

    1. I think we are definitely all on the mend. Now I just need to get back into all the bloggy things.

  2. Ugh! I hope everyone recovers quickly. I can definitely see why you've been a little scarce lately!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It seems when we had a few minutes we felt too bad to post. but i think we are on the good side of it all now. so yay.

  3. I am glad Finn is doing better and I hope you feel better soon too! :D Hopefully August is a little more calm for you all.

    1. thanks. It was a hard month. I think August will be a bit crazy too but maybe not quite as much. My husband and I are going to Gencon in week. So that will be crazy. Ash will have to hold down the fort. :)
