Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Wrap Up


Weekly Wrap-Up 

May 15th - May 21st
Jenn's BEA 2016 Experience Post

Jenn's Books Read:

GhostsAnd the Trees Crept In

Jenn's Audio:
The Star-Touched QueenExit, Pursued by a Bear

Ash: Books Read: 

The Gathering (Shadow House, #1)The Women in the Walls

Other News:
Not a lot has happened this week. We just kind of relaxed and try to do some planning for the blog. We have so many great books to read we really don't know where to start. So we kind of been in that eyes are big but brain doesn't know what is happening stage. 

We have been brain storming pretty hard on new ideas for the blog and we have come up with a few. Not sure when they will be implements since we are slow... we both have the full time jobs and the baby in the yup slow. 

Here is what we have been thinking. 

Bloggy Buddies: we would like to highlight our blogger friends. Maybe do some interviewing, highlighting their creativity and fun posts. Just getting to know some of these old and new friends. We do have some we can start off with but we would love to meet some more of you guys so please send us a message or comment if you want to join in the fun. 

We would also love start a feature called We've read that movie. We would review the movie and the book side by side. Sounds fun... I know right. 

Another thing... we are going to try to join in some giveaway memes. I tend to shy away from these because I am just plain out forgetful when it comes to mailing things out. But I have ash now so I am hoping this will be good. I used to do them quite often and then stopped. It was a lot of fun. So we will start again. 

We decided to do a new thing with Jenn Vs. Ash. We will use this feature once a month to update our ARC reads and reviews. We all know that we tend to get more ARCs than we ever read or review... so we will start having a contest between us. Sounds like so much fun. I plan to kick her butt for sure. 

So besides that we hope to implement more discussion posts, reviews, and tags. We have been lagging in our posts and our comments... so we hope to get better. On a good note. I have been using twitter more... I think I am getting the hang of it. Ash has been really using bookstagram more so yay for that. 

That has been my week. Drop by and say hi, let us know how your week has been.


  1. Niiice! I can't wait to read And the Trees Crept In and The Women in the Walls! Both of which are in my TBR mountain! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. trees crept in was so so good. I recommend it to everyone! one of my top ten this year.

  2. I've been doing quite a bit of relaxing myself lately. It has been glorious. I really love all your ideas for the blog. The Bloggy Buddies one sounds like fun and a great way to make more blogger friends! I'm constantly trying to come up with new ideas for my blog. I also want to post more discussions, but I have a hard time coming up with discussion topics. Good luck to y'all. Hope you both have a wonderful week!

    My Sunday post!

    1. We have a hard time with discussion posts too. Coming up with ideas and putting it into words. Both are hard for me. I am gonna keep on trying though. I am excited for blogger buddies. Finding the way to start it it is very hard.

  3. Sounds like you guys have a lot of great ideas that I can't wait to see! I'm really curious about The Star Touched Queen and Exit, Pursued by a Bear.

    1. both really really great books. Exit pursued by a bear really was a diamond in the rough for me. I almost didn't read it but gave it shot on a whim. It surprised me.

  4. Sounds like you have some fun things coming down the pipeline! I especially love the title for "We've Read that Movie" - very cute! I'd be happy to participate in your Bloggy Friends feature, if you want me to!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
