Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Answer Me This: Flying out for BEA...Are you nervous or just excited?

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better. 
A question will be asked and answers will be given by both Ash and Jenn. We hope you enjoy getting to know us outside of the bookshelves.

BEA: So it is upon us and today we are flying out. Yup we left at 6am for the airport. Plane leaves at 8:35 am and we expect to arrive in Chicago at 11:33am. I am so super excited but so so so nervous and overwhelmed. 

This will not be my first time in Chicago although I have not been for 10 years and at that time we never left the Amtrak station. Times before that, I was kid and never did my own navigation. So yes its a bit terrifying. I hope not to get lost or mugged or well whatever else can happen. I hope to only do hotel, resturatant, and BEA. So that is my plan. Yes I am a anxious person. 

Another thing. I have been married for 16 years and together with my hubby for 18 years. I have never been this long without him. He is my rock and he has a very calm and sure nature. SO opposite of me. I don't know what to do without him there with me. This will be hard. 

Oh and not to mention my grandson. I will miss that little guy too. I am so used to seeing him everynight before bed. SO this may be a bit hard to do too.. 

I really don't know what to expect and I am a bit of a controlling person. So this is hard. Do I have enough money packed away. Will I know where to go and how to get there... how much time it takes to get there. I don't always do well in crowds so I hope I do not panic. I hope I brought the right clothes, will they be comfy... did I make the right choice in shoes. So yes worry wart and control freak. 

So you ask why am I going.... I am so super excited. I get to meet bloggers, publishers, and authors. I get a week off of work. I get to discover new things and new books. I get to spend time with my daughter. I get to fan girl. All this sounds so worth it. So I am so so so ready to go no matter how anxious and nervous I am. 

Also my house was getting pretty clean. I clean, organize, basically nest when I am stressed and anxious. So yay for that for me.... not so much for the rest of my family. 

I'm doing this on my kindle at the airport, so it probably won't be a very long post. But here we are. At the airport. I'm not nervous and excited. Excited for books, authors, and to be going to Chicago. I'm also nervous. Going on a plane for the first time, going to Chicago for the first time, and the hardest one,being away from Finn for more than a day for the first time. Yes I've cried. A lot. I'm just trying to focus on the books and authors and that's it. If I think about more,I will hyperventilate. So. Happy, excited, nervous, and very anxious. 

If interested follow our adventure on snapchat (ash-mustache) instagram (jennreneeandash) and Twitter (darthleaa)


  1. I hope you have fun and that some of the nerves go away!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The nerves calmed and the excitement grew and we had a blast. So glad we went.

  2. You guys are going to have so much fun! I'm going to BEA just on Thursday because I have to work and I could only take one day off :( but, I'll be there too. I also live in Chicago, so feel free to reach out if you come across any problems with figuring out where you are, or if you want suggestions for things to do/places to eat. Welcome to the Windy City! :D

    1. we discovered why its called the windy city. It is pretty windy. Especially at night. We got lost our first day there... wrong bus. But we finally figured out how to get through the chicago loop. That was as far as we ventured. We did have a blast for sure.

  3. I’m not going to BEA, but I hope to visit it vicariously via my bookish friends.

    Ash, it can be so difficult to leave the little one even for a week, but I’m sure everything will be ok.

    Have fun, ladies!

    1. It was had for Ash. But we survived. We did video chat twice a day with my hubby and her baby. That helped. We had a blast and I can't wait to make another one.

  4. I am so nervous too! I will be there tomorrow and Saturday. I am sad I couldnt get more days off but I think two is good and will make me tired enough. LOL I hope you had a great first day and I hope to see you tomorrow!

    1. I wish I would have ran into you. I was so hoping. Friday was a long day for us. We were so tired by that time we could hardly get around. I think we left around 2:30. I hope you had a blast!

  5. I hope you're having fun! When Chicago was first announced, I thought I would probably go because it's within driving distance for me and I have friends there so I could combine the trip with BEA and seeing my friends. But I never got around to getting tickets and kind of forgot about it all until it was too late. I'm not really interested in going to NYC so this was probably my only chance. Oh well, I'm not close with any bloggers and I know that's a huge reason most bloggers go -- to see their friends.

    1. I wasn't really close to any bloggers either but that is why I wanted to go, to maybe become friends with them. I met some fantastic bloggers and I am really glad I went. It was a great trip. Wish you could have gone. I think you would have enjoyed it too.
