Friday, February 12, 2016

Answer Me This: BEA: Does it excite you?

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better. 
A question will be asked and answers will be given by both Ash and Jenn. We hope you enjoy getting to know us outside of the bookshelves.

Ash and I are going to the BEA's this year. Yes Chicago here we come. 
Our room has been reserved and our plane tickets bought I am registered. SO totally excited.

 I have been wanting to go since I heard about BEA and figured out what it meant. Yes a bit slow I am. So YAY. I hope to meet up with fellow bloggers and make some new friends. 

I have been trying to do some research on BEA tips and guidelines... How to survive. I am so overwhelmed. I sense there is way more than I can handle and I need a plan. I like plans. unfortunately all the things aren't announced yet. So can't plan yet... except for the travel. Luggage and clothes and such. I am a pre pre pre planner. I tend to plan and re-plan and plan again until the day arrives for any kind of event. Yes I am crazy and a bit OCD. I also know nothing ever goes as planned. So a little panicky. I am hoping for a few things. 

I would love to see or can't wait to see all the other bloggers that are going and what they have to say about this year's BEA. I need some help in my excitement. I need to share mine and join in with others. 

I am really hoping that there are some fellow bloggers out there that would love to join up with me at the BEA. I would love a team to help us through. 

I also hope to hear and read much on bloggers who have attended in the past. I need as much input as I can get. I am so totally nervous. 

I really am most excited about meeting people. I am not good at it but I do love people. So I hope this breaks me out of my shell a bit and I can get to know lots of new people. 

So Ash my question to you... What about BEA are you most excited for ? What are your thoughts and plans? 

Uhhh, where do I even start?


Okay, but really. I am definitely very excited to hopefully meet her, because I absolutely adore her. 

The next thing I am obviously very excited for is free books. Because I don't have enough already right?.. Right

Authors. I get to meet authors. I always love talking with them, they're so down to earth and don't even realize how amazing they really are. Unlike most celebs who are stuck up or full of themselves.

And then there's the fact that I'll have off work for a whole week. That's fun.

AND. I get to spend time with my mommy.

The thing I am least excited about, is five days without my baby boo. I don't know how I'm going to function. Or how he is for that matter. Gonna be interesting.

My plans? I don't have any, except to go and make it up on the spot. I've never been before so I'm a little nervous to be honest. And I've never been on a plane.. so that's scary.

Either way, I can't wait and I'm excited. 

That is all. 



  1. I really have loved both times I've been to BEA. I want to go every year! But I can't afford it. This year it is in the middle of May, and school is still going on. I am trying to see if I can get a press pass to go for free, then I'll see about travel, etc. But I probably won't make it this year. Have a blast!

  2. I was planning to road trip out with my friends this year but because they changed the location AND time of year we won't be able to make it because it's smack in the middle of finals/graduation. Have a lot of fun!!!

  3. This is my first year going to BEA as well since I can actually attend since it is in the state where I live!! Sadly, I still have work, but I will for sure be able to attend all day Friday and BookCon on Saturday! I am super excited. We will have to meet up at some point! :D

    1. yes we should definitely meet up. we can exchange contact info before. I am so excited that you will be there!

  4. I'm going to BEA for the 3rd time and would love to meet up w/ you and/or answer any questions you have. Although since it's never been in Chicago before, I don't think anyone will really know what it's going to be like!!! Hopefully they'll have it super organized because I know it's taken quite a bit of trial and error at Javits in NY for them to work out the kinks... and since this is at a new facility, I have my worries. I'm excited that you guys are going!! I would love to be able to do something like this with my mom... you guys are too cute!

    1. we are very excited too. we love taking trips together and this one is sugar coated because its books! Can't wait to meet you there.

  5. I've been to BEA four times, but Chicago is far and the dates are early, so I don't think I'm going. My main advice is: comfortable shoes!!! It's as exciting/tiring as Disneyland. Bring a rolling suitcase and check it so you can empty out your tote bags through the day. Bring snacks - you may get stuck in a signing line and be starving. And because you're OCD (me too) try to research the signings and drops ahead of time, make a schedule, and then be flexible -sometimes the best things are those you just stumble upon by accident.
    Good luck and can't wait to hear about it!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. OCD who me.... lol. I am already trying to plan every step. being flexible isn't easy for me but I can do it. I have read comfortable shoes and snacks many times over. So yest that is a definite. Sorry you can't be there this year. :(

  6. Hooray! I think every book blogger and book lover should experience BEA at least once. I go every year with my mom and absolutely love it! I live in Michigan, so I am super excited for it to be in Chicago this year. 4 hour drive, compared to the 10 hour drive to New York? YES PLEASE! Since I have gone for so many years I do have a lot of information on my blog. Here is my BEA page in case you want tips!
