Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Review: Zombie Princess Apocalypse by Jeffrey John Eyamie

Zombie Princess Apocalypse (The Oddities, #1)Title: Zombie Princess Apocalyplse
Author:  Jeffrey John Eyamie
Publisher:  Wooly Mammoth Yarns
Publishing Date: March 17th 2012
Pages: 246
Genre: YA Dark Comedy/Horror
Series:  The Oddities 
Source: Kindle
When you wish upon a star, your
dreams come true...
...Emm Dillinger must do
everything in her power to keep
that from happening.

The new fashion outlet in town
has all kinds of things to
make a girl feel like a princess,
including a tiara that'll turn
Jacob Williams High School's
prom into the zombie princess

Only Emm and her team of
oddballs can save humanity
from its own secret wish:
to have people eating
their hearts out.


I found this book one day... roaming around on goodreads... and thought...hmmm this sounds interesting. I looked it up an Amazon and it was on Kindle Unlimited sooo.... yes I grabbed and read and to this day have no idea what I rad but I do know I enjoyed it. This was a very very interesting, strange, unusual, and unique read for me. I don't know if there is another book out there quite like this but for me, I haven't ever found one. It had zombies, princesses, witches, friendship, loyalty, loss, laughs, a little bit of of romance. It was a jumble of things that were thrown together and it worked. 

Emm grew up without a mom for the most part. She remembers her a little but she died. She also grew up with a traveling circus. As a teenager her father dies and leaves her with her stepmother. They quit the circus, move to a suburb house and she enrolls in school for the first time. This is when things get a bit strange. Her counselor tells her to visit a store in the mall, the store gives her tasks to do that lead to some pretty strange things.... and its all to prepare her to stop the zombie princess apocalypse. What is a zombie princess apocalypse you ask. Well its teenage girls turning into zombie snow whites, zombie cinderellas and ect. Oh and they each have their own prince charming except he isn't so charming. So it is up to Emm to stop this from happening. 

This sounds a bit strange right. It was totally strange but it worked. It was fun, it was gross, it was zombies, it was so different than anything I have ever read. 

This book definitely was more story driven for me and I didn't really get to connect to the characters but that felt okay. I connected enough to like them but not as much as I usually like. Emm was new to everything, suburbs, friends, school, and now she was thrown into zombie stuff so she was hard to connected too. She was busy. But she was loyal and I liked that. She wasn't the brightest at times but she wasn't dumb either. I think just shell shocked. 

Emm had to friends in thes tory that helped her along with her mission. I did like them. John was a jock but he was the nicest person ever. He never abandoned those he cared about and I loved that about him. Olly was okay. He was in love with Emm and wined a lot. I didn't really like that but he was still tolerable and in the end he did redeem himself. 

Two other characters of noteworthiness. I liked her stepmother and I liked the counselor. They were a bit extreme but they were very likable. They cared for Emm and the end of the world. Lots of interesting characters. 

The story was for sure the best part. It was amazing. It was all over the place and didn't follow any rules. I wasn't sure what I was reading ninety percent of the time but I just didn't care. It was so freaking funny I just kept reading. I mean it was really out there.

If you like dark comedy and strange things this just may be the book for you. 

I really enjoyed this read. 

Jeffrey John Eyamie wrote his first novel in Grade 3 and his second novel in journalism school. Thankfully, they are both locked away in hermetically sealed containers. 
A former child television star and grunge singer, Jeff once worked for Canada’s minister of foreign affairs, conducted a feature interview with Bob Vila while sitting on the john, gave the commissioner of the National Hockey League a dressing-down on national television, and won second prize in a literary beauty contest.

He now writes screenplays and stories, mostly.

You can follow him on twitter: @eyamie

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