Friday, May 15, 2015

Feature Friday Where We Organize Books HAHAHA!

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blog:

Featured Question:

Question of the Week: How do you organize your books? Either at home on your bookshelves or on your reading-device, or on your bookish platform like Goodreads, Leafmarks or Booklikes. - Suggested by Unconventional Book Views

Jenn's Answer: 

Um.... I don't really. I have tried in the past and it just doesn't stay that way so I quit. I use to have two main bookshelves.... one for read and one for unread. That didn't work out so I tried series and non series.... didn't work out. So right now I have two small bookshelves and a large one. On my small ones I have one with hardbacks and one with my hubby's books. In the big one... he gets two shelves the rest are mine and they are done by read and unread. I try to keep the series together. They are also done by height... so when I have another bookshelf and they are not double stacked and piled on top of each other it will look pretty. I hope. 

I do have book scattered everywhere. downstairs living room, purse, car, and kitchen table. Everywhere but outside. They are so not organized. 

Ash's Answer: (written by Jenn.. YES I cheated) 

So,,, Ash didn't get a chance to answer. I will answer for her. She may jump in tonight and put her two cents in..She actually does  have two big cases and she does by read and unread, series and non series... by size. Why..... because we have one mind. kind of. I started the by size and she started the read and unread... and well by series just always made sense. WE are both unorganized creatures though.... I am just a tad bit better... but not really... so both our shelves look really messy. Organizing book takes time away from reading books. Plus... the two year old keep us and I mean really her mostly very very busy. 


  1. I did like your shows style and personality :) Me however I am very OCD so I have to organize all my books. Or I would probably go insane.

  2. I just organize my physical copies alphabetically by author. Helps me find things easily :)

    Joana (

  3. Heehee! Nice! Yeah...if ever get married, hopefully my hubby won't mind bookcases as the main furniture in the house! LOL! I need lots of them because I have lots of books! I've exhausted all the space on my shelves in my room, which drives me nuts putting them in sideways! I have a few shelves downstairs that my mom allowed me from the entertainment center. And 1 shelf from the living room case. Our encyclopedias were way outdated anyway!

    But otherwise knowing where all said books are, they're organized old school way by author's last name in alphabetical order! Electronically I am ironically not organized at all. And not at all bothered by it either!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Love your answers!! I'm a complete OCD freak when it comes to organizing my books but my kids are also a lot older so I have more time to freak out over my shelves :)

    following on bloglovin' & FB :)

  5. I don't have any kids to get in the way of my books. Haha! I have them all organized by genre and then alphabetically. :)

    My FF!
