Thursday, April 23, 2015

Introducing......New Blogger Extraordinaire....Ash!

Ash.... my daughter and now fellow blogger. 

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Ash is an avid reader just like me and she decided (after much of my nudging and begging - A LOT of nudging and begging..) to be a part of this here blog. I will let her give you the lo down on herself but I just wanted to say she is awesome and so opposite of me.... Funny, free spirited, and so random... so she will be a welcome addition here. The yin to my yang. I am so happy to have her apart of my blogging fun.  

We are in the new works of some fun ideas for the future and of course she will be bringing in some reviews too. I think it will be lots of fun. (Right.. "Fun"...)

Now I realize that the blog name is JennReneeRead... I don't want to change blogs but I will incorporate her in the title...still working on ideas.... and of course there will be some fun stuff added that will be more her style.. not mine. So lots of new things coming... 

I have been a bit MIA lately... working lots of hours at work and the blog has suffered. I am so sorry. I am hoping Ash and I can balance each other out to make sure there is always an abundance of bookish** (Is this a word?) fun on this blog. 

So now for Ash....

Everyone say WELCOME ASH!!!!!

Uh. Hello. I'm Ash... obviously. 

As Jenn stated I love to read, I have not gotten to read as much since my son has been born, but I recently started a new job where I can read between calls. Yay! 

My favorite types of books currently are horror, post apocalyptic, zombie, and steampunk. Interesting combination huh?

A bit more about me, I'm a photographer, it's what I love to do, and I like to think I'm good at it. Did I mention all the photos on the blog I took? Yeah that was me. (Yes she is super awesome at photography)

I'm also a full time single mommy and I work full time, so between that, this blog, promoting my photography, plus I have my own mommy blog, I'm going to have my hands full, but I'm looking forward to it. 

I have a son, Finnlan, he's almost 2 (What.) and he is the light of my world. (Yes he is all over this blog and he is super cute- maybe with some super powers that is cuteness) 

I'm also a super geek, not super like I have super powers, unfortunately. But super like, I'm really crazy geeky. (Superpowers would be so awesome.... Work on that Ash) I'm trying! What do you think I'm doing when I'm alone in my room late at night!? Wait. Don't answer that. 

Uh. Yeah, I'm super awkward and have a very interesting sense of humor. So this is going to be.. Interesting.  (Interesting word interesting is) Uh, what? 
I guess that's it. 

I'm looking forward to posting for you guys.

Uh. Bye. 

ˈbo͝okiSH/  (YES IT IS A WORD)
  1. (of a person or way of life) devoted to reading and studying rather than worldly interests.
    "by comparison I was very bookish, intellectual, and wordy in a wrong way"
    synonyms:studiousscholarlyacademicintellectualhighbroweruditelearned,letterededucatedwell readknowledgeable

    • (of language or writing) literary in style or allusion.
      "long bookish scholarship"


  1. Ahhhhh! Welcome, Ash! I look forward to your posts! :)

  2. Welcome Ash!!! This is exciting. I hope you have a lot of fun blogging and I am happy to hear you now get some more time to read again. :)

  3. Welcome Ash. Blogging can be wonderful. This community is filled with awesome people. I hope you will enjoy it as well.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. Welcome!! Looking forward to reading your post. I liked the input add on between you and Jenn!! It had me chuckling..

  5. What do you think I'm doing when I'm alone in my room late at night!? Wait. Don't answer that. Haha! I love horror, and really into photography, so we are so going to get along great, Ash. Welcome to the blog! :D
