Friday, April 3, 2015

Feature Friday - Those Dreams that Just Don't Go Away!

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blog:

         Haunted Bookshelf



Featured Question:

Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? What was it? - Suggested by Second Run Reviews.

Answer: Not Recently but I did as a kid. Three actually. Two were nightmares.
One a snake was chasing me up a spiral staircase that was never ending. It was miserable. 
The other was very bad. my entire family was shot and killed by an intruder and I was left alone. Very scary!

The last one was a good dream. Godzilla was my friend and he stomped the bullies. Yup I liked that one. Funny thing, before that dream I can't remember every watching Godzilla. Guess I must have seen him somewhere.


  1. Do check out my FF:
    New follower

  2. Nice! I never had an reoccurring dreams or nightmares, I've had plenty of weird dreams though! Funny you mention Godzilla! I had a Godzilla dream once too. It was actually right after I saw the first(?) remake? So 2000...1999? Sometime like that! Basically however many years since they did a Godzilla movie. I didn't really want to see it but since everyone else was going it was either go or stay home. Me being a kid, I decided to go! And yeah, I had the WEIRDEST nightmare ever. Godzilla was attacking the city while I stood some miles away on a cliff, but the Godzilla I saw, was the one from those old black and white movies. Yeah...weird!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I can't remember ever having the same dream over and over. Although I guess I've had similar ones, but none exactly the same.

    Old follower :)

  4. Okay that second dream would really get to me... my family being in danger and killed. That is a nightmare! Old follower.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

  5. Very scary nightmares! Thanks for so stopping by my blog! :)

  6. Your nightmares are terrible! I like your good dream though! LOL!

    Old follower.

    Check out my FF!

  7. I don't think I've ever had a specific recurring dream. I may have in the past, but as hard as a try to think of any specific dream I've had, nothing really comes to mind. Usually as soon as I wake up I might remember a tiny, vague detail, but ten minutes after I won't really remember anything. It's kind of interesting, actually, yet also inconvenient when it comes to discussing them at times like this.

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

  8. Your third dream is funny :)! I have nightmares with falling and been paralyzed.
    New Bloglovin' follower,
    Silvy @Books are my life

  9. Oh, no... Those are really bad dreams, except the bully stomping Godzilla! (:

    Old follower!

    Here's my FF!
