Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #122

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

Top Ten Books I haven't read in these YA genre's... and I am quite ashamed. 

I couldn't pick one genre so here are my favorite genres and books I still need to read.

Top 5 Things I love in a Romance

1. Banter- I love bantering between a couple. Kind of like Hans Solo and Princess Leia. Always arguing, spatting, but always loving each other. 

2.  The best friend turned in to love of life without ever seeing it coming. Wham I can't believe I love this boy. Yes the sneaky known you all my life love... love it. 

3. I love the idea of coming into a a book and the couple already exists and is deeply madly in love and then I get flashbacks of their life together, how they became a one instead of a two. This is my favorite! 

4. Always to go withe the banter romance from above... I love the hate to love relationship because well I don't know why. It doesn't make sense but it always feels so passionate! 

5. That brings me to passionate romance. I love a good  I need to kiss you right now or I am going to die. OK maybe not that extreme but I love hot steamy passionate romance... but still innocent. 

5 Things I hate in a Romance

1. Gushy, corny, unrealistically sweet romance. come on that never happens. Its just annoying. 

2. Love triangles. I hate them. I mean someone always has to lose and I don't like to feel bad for the loser. 

3. A romance that makes no sense. The two shouldn't be together, don't work together, can't stand each other... why are you together?

4. The constant break up get back together kind of thing. That is so unhealthy and never romantic. 

5.  The yes dear  whatever you say dear, of course dear, you're right dear kind of attitude. Whether it's supposed to be romantic or controlling, its annoying and everyone should have a brain of their own to use. Think for yourself people. 


  1. Yes, the constant break up thing is annoying!!!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  2. Heehee! Nice! Laughing at that Yes dear comment! So true! I agree with all these as well!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I so agree, I love banter!!! That is a great addition to you list!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. A controlling significant other is definitely one of my dislikes. I can't believe I didn't add banter to my lists because it is one of my favorite things in romances!
