Friday, February 27, 2015

Feature Friday #103

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Its been a while since I have done a feature Friday, it just sounded fun today. 

Featured Blogs:

Bookworm Book Reviews


Coffee and Characters

Featured Question:

Your house is burning down and you have time to select three books you own to take with you. What three books? - Suggested byAlison Can Read

Answer: I may also grab three unread books. If I am going to be without I may as well have three unread books. Or I may just grab the three books that I have close by. No need to stay in the flame any longer. I really don't have a clear answer to this question. Its pure evil to make me choose three books and to set my house on fire. I guess I would just have to choose what I could reach and go with unread or currently reading. As soon as I get my insurance money though, I am headed to the bookstore.


  1. EXACTLY!! That's what I said! PURE EVIL! Great minds think alike! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Yeah, it's a really hard question but at least it got us prepared! xD
    Anyway, the insurance is a must! :D
    My FF

  3. Yes, a devious question. Because anything I really want to save isn't going to be right next to me! I'm thinking about a fireproof safe....Here’s my F&FF..

  4. This is a hard question. If my house is on fire, screw the books. I’m taking the dogs, the computer, some money . . .

    I’m now following you on Bloglovin’.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. Use the insurance money to buy new books - I love that! LOL!
    New follower.
    My FF:

  6. That's a great idea to use the insurance money for more books haha! I think that if I could I would totally grab my kindle, otherwise I would go for my Hunger Games trilogy. I'm an old GFC and bloglovin follower. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  7. What we need to choice only three books! I think it would be better to make a scape plan where we could save our books as well!!

    New bloglovin follower! My FF

    Giova @ Corazones Literarios

  8. Smart choice! New follower, thanks for including my button in your post!
    My FF at

  9. OH wow that is def pure evil! I think I'd grab the first ones I can on my TBR shelf (I have a shelf with all my unread books on it lol) and try to sneak in an extra 3... or 10 >.<

  10. Aw, great answer! In real life, I'd grab my fiance, my dog, and my two cats. If I had time, I'd grab my Kindle. For the purposes of this FF, I said I'd save my Shatter Me trilogy my Tahereh Mafi. Lol! (:

    New follower via Bloglovin!

    Here's my FF!

  11. Haha! Yes. In real life, I don't think books will be the first ones in my mind to save. But if I had to save books, I'll save as much books as I can. :)

  12. It's way too hard to pick what to save in a fire. I don't think I'd really be saving my books but I sure would be happy to replace them as soon as I could!

    Here's my FF!

  13. Ha -- your answer made me laugh. I'd grab my family and the dog and get out of there! If I got to grab books I'd grab scrapbooks!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  14. HAHA. I'd get my insurance people to just send the money to the book and comic stores to cut out the middle man! ;)

    New GFC follower xx

    My FF
