Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Teaser Tuesday #100 and Top Ten Tuesday #90

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

Ashen Winter (Ashfall, #2)

Ashen Winter by Mike Mullen


It’s been over six months since the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Alex and Darla have been staying with Alex’s relatives, trying to cope with the new reality of the primitive world so vividly portrayed in Ashfall, the first book in this series. It’s also been six months of waiting for Alex’s parents to return from Iowa. Alex and Darla decide they can wait no longer and must retrace their journey into Iowa to find and bring back Alex’s parents to the tenuous safety of Illinois. But the landscape they cross is even more perilous than before, with life-and-death battles for food and power between the remaining communities. When the unthinkable happens, Alex must find new reserves of strength and determination to survive.

"Yeah," I replied. "How about if I walk up there with my hands up and try to talk to them, and you turn Bikezilla around so that if they start shooting, we can ride out of here in a hurry."

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

My Top Ten really want to do before I die List. (book related)

1. Attend BEA. I really really want to go.... 
2. Finish my own novel.
3. Build my own library... huge, full of books, spiral staircase... yes I am dreaming but I would love a library in my home. 
4. I would love to get caught up on my reviews! 
5. Work in a bookstore. Yes I want to work in a bookstore... this will only happen if I can retire. 
6.  A Simple one... I would love to stay up for the full 24 hours for the Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon. Still have not managed this. 
7.  Read Harry Potter with my grandson... this will happen... He is only 7 months old so I need to wait a bit. 
8. Reread all my favorite series... I have lots of them. 
9. Fill my author author autograph book to the fullest. 
10. Get a really cool book-work tattoo! 


  1. I want to read Ashen Winter! The thought of the Yellowstone volcano erupting is frightening.

    My TT

  2. Nice! Second time so far seeing the thing about a literary tattoo! I want to go to BEA some day myself! A bunch of us need to coordinate and go together one year!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Stay up for the 24-hour read-a-thon... I really want to do that too! ^^

    Cool teaser - I also shared a teaser this week ^^

    Great and realistic picks, good luck with all of them!

    AmandaEmma @ Little Miss Reader
    My TTT : http://little-missreader.blogspot.dk/2014/03/top-ten-tuesday-my-bookish-bucket-list.html

  4. I've been dreaming about book-related/film-related tattoo for years as well, but I think I'm too much of a wimp to actually ever get that tattoo :D

  5. Good luck finishing your novel!!! And catching up on reviews. Sometimes that is such a hassle!

    I love how this is a Top 10 Tuesday! You may also want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List, too!
