Friday, March 14, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #99

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blog:


Sarcasm and Lemons, a book blog

Featured Question:

Question of the Week: 
Where do I love to read? Show it off? Well I really don't have many pictures, and I will read just about anywhere. I wish I had a cozy place outside to read. I don't. It's Texas. Soon it will be too hot. I do read outside on lunch, at work, on the patio, with my hubby. But only when its nice. Otherwise I read in my bed or my big comfy chair in my living room. I do have a picture of that. The chair not my bed. My bed is always unmade and would just embarrass me. So here is my big comfy chair. 


  1. I also have a big comfy chair for reading. But my favorite spot is the beach :)
    New Bloglovin follower.

    Here's my FF

  2. That looks sooo comfy. Great place to read.

    My FFF

  3. I sit on the left side of the couch, closest to the window. I can stretch out my legs and have plenty of light to read. :)

  4. Comfy. New bloglovin friend here!
    Follow Me FF
    <3 :-)
    Brittany @ Please Feed The Bookworm

  5. Oooh I LOVE that chair! Definitely have to get me one of those if and when I ever get my own place! But yeah, I am an indoor reader as well. Missouri gets hot and humid pretty quick. Spring doesn't last all that long. Plus we get the ucky tornado weather too, which just screams get inside the house (and haul all my books downstairs! ha! can't really do that anymore, only time to grab favorites).

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. That chair looks so great. Following you back with Bloglovin. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  7. That is one big comfy chair. I would read there, sleep there, you name it, lol. Thanks for stopping by. Following you back =)

  8. That couch look so comfy! Thanks for stopping by my FF this week. Followed you back through GFC.
