Thursday, October 31, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #85

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blog:

Featured Question:

Q: What book are you embarrassed to admit you LOVED? (try to think beyond Twilight).

A: Hmmm this one is a bit hard but probably the Monster High Series by Lisi Harrison. I am only embarrassed because they are a bit young and cutesy and well I should have outgrown books like these, but I enjoyed them to the extreme. They just made me feel good. I need to re-read them and post reviews of them. I wish the series would have lasted longer (the ones written by Lisi Harrison) I also like the cartoon. Sad I know. 

Monster High (Monster High, #1)The Ghoul Next Door (Monster High, #2)
Where There's a Wolf, There's a Way (Monster High, #3)Back and Deader Than Ever (Monster High, #4)


  1. Oh nice! My niece is starting to like the dolls. She's 5, so not ready for the books. But it warms my heart that she already likes something paranormal! :)

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. this series sounds nice, I saw these ones but I confess I haven't read them.

    New gfc follower

    My FF

  3. I like Cartoons too! But the old ones :D Interesting Answer. I agree. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Old Follower
    Cagla @Booker Like a Hooker

  4. I've never heard of that series. Pretty cool. I picked 2 children's series that I read a couple of years ago for mine. My Feature

    New follower via Bloglovin'.

  5. Hopping through. I never read the Monster High books but it sounds like some fun book candy.
    My FF

  6. lol if it helps, when the dolls came out I added them to my TBR list lol I still want to read them, I just haven't come across them yet!

    Hopping through, old follower!

    Here's My FF

  7. I always wondered about this series. :) New follower via bloglovin. Have a great weekend!

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  8. I have seen these in the library but never picked them up! Kind of love the covers though! My FFF.
