Friday, September 20, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #79

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blogs:

Simply Sensational Book Fanatics


your blog name here

Q: What were some of your favorite picture books as a kid? If you have kids, what are your favorites to read to them?

A: Oh what fun. I can answer both ways! Here was my favorite as a kid...

The Monster at the End of This Book

  Loved it!!!! If you never read this book it's too funny. I recently bought it again to read to my grandson and I still love it. It's way cute

I read this to my kids....

Love You Forever  
It still makes me cry. We also have this one for my grandson. It's a very sweet book. 

We don't have a favorite yet for Finn, but this one is what we have been reading to him. 

DwellStudio: Hello, Dinosaur 
It's super cute and simple. 


  1. Great picks. These are actually new to me :)

    Happy Friday!

  2. Love you Forever always makes me cry -- no matter how many times I read it! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Niiice! I remember the first two!! Grover was so funny! There's actually a "sequel" now with Elmo intervening with Another Monster at the End of this Book! It was quite cute, I bought it for my niece awhile back!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Griver was prolly my fave sesame street character, awesome choices!

    old follower!

    Guinevere & Libertad @ TwinjabookReviews

  5. Aw great pick! Brings back some memories! Check out what I picked =)

    new bloglovin follower

    -Amanda P

    Where the Night Kind Roam

  6. Ha wow I'm impressed you remember picture books! The earliest books I remember reading were kids books but not picture books. Maybe I wasn't much into them or something >.<

  7. I have read Love You Forever to all three of my children, and they all loved it. It is such a good one.
