Friday, June 28, 2013

Feature and Follow #71

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blogs:

Paperbook Princess

Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?

A: I think I will always prefer the feel, the smell, the look of a paperback book. I like hardcover too and I love my Kindle... but I love paperbacks the most. I like paperback better than hardcover because of the flexibility and the size. I am hard on my books. They are my best friend and I take them everywhere with me. I my purse there is always at least 1 paperback, my Zune- which only has audiobooks on there, and my Kindle. I never leave home without options. So my paperbacks are easier to carry and if they get messed up it's ok. They are meant to be loved.  I hate to admit it but the first thing I always do when I pick up a book... smell the pages as I fan them. I love the smell of books brand new and really old. It's a little hard to do that with Hardcover and impossible with the Kindle. I also like to pet my books. YES I pet them. Before I start them I stare at the cover, inhale deeply and pet the book. Its a committed relationship and I have to let them know they are loved. I like to hold my books with one hand while reading, I tend to read and do other things at the same time. This is hard with hardcovers, not so hard with the Kindle. I like that I can fit more paperbacks on a bookshelf too. So they are also space savers. Of course this only counts against hardcovers because my Kindle still isn't full and I have so so so many books on there.  

 Second to my paperbacks I can't live without my audio.... I never thought I would say I love audio but I do. As I mentioned, my Zune only has audio books, no music, no photos, no games, no apps, no videos.... just audio books. If at all possible I walk around with my ear buds in and listen as much as possible. Its a real addiction. I will start listening to and reading aloud to my grandson as soon as he is born.... August!  So audio books rock! IF you have not taken the plunge yet into audio books do try.
Pick a book you know you will love and see which narrators people like. You just may be surprised how enjoyable they are!

So what's your answer?


  1. Happy Friday! I prefer reading paperbacks. I love the feel of real pages in my hand. I read eBooks sometimes, though. I think they're always faster to finish and you can easily highlight the passages you like. I haven't listened to any book before.

    New BlogLovin follower.

    My FF @ The Creative Forum
    Happy Reading! :)

  2. Good answer. Happy weekend :)


  3. Great answer! New Follower

    Katelynn Clark

  4. I don't know if I have a preferred format. I like to have EVERY format available. Especially when they change the covers. But, for my shelves, I do like to have the hardcovers. They just look nicer. :) And you know I love my audio. :D

  5. Yeah I love the real books too! I guess because that's where my reading addiction started, with real books. Holding them and yes, smelling them! I love MM paperbacks though because they always fit into my purse the easiest so that way I'd always have a book with me! Trade and hardcovers required a bigger purse, but it was still manageable!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. LOL! I have got to try audio books. I have never listened to one, but I'd like to! Otherwise my Nook goes everywhere with me!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  7. Ha! I pet mine too! It is amazing how many paperpacks i can get on a shelf. Especially since they are deep enough I can double row them. Hardbacks stick over the edge a bit.
    Here is my FF.
