Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Teaser Tuesday #44 and Top Ten Tuesday #34

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

The Loop The Loop by Shandy Dawson



Maggie says, "I was thinking that if we figure this out and not get ourselves murdered in the next day or so, I might try to find a job. We should both find jobs, Ben."

Ben and Maggie have met, fallen in love, and died together countless times. Over the course of two pivotal days—both the best and worst of their lives—they struggle again and again to resist the pull of fate and the force of time itself. With each failure, they return to the beginning of their end, a wild road trip that brings them to the scene of their own murders and into the hands of the man destined to kill them.

As time circles back on itself, events become more deeply ingrained, more inescapable for the two kids trapped inside the loop. The closer they come to breaking out, the tighter fate’s clutches seem to grip them. They devise a desperate plan to break free and survive the days ahead, but what if Ben and Maggie’s only shot at not dying is surviving apart?

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week is a great one, Top Ten Romances... 

My Top Ten Favorite Book Romances:

1.  Matt and Julie Flat-Out Love

2. Xandra and and Vex God Save the Queen (The Immortal Empire, #1)

3. Jake and Samantha What I Didn't Say

4. Car and Will Caterpillar (The Metamorphosis Trilogy, #1)

5. Hadley and Oliver The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

6. Violet and Jay The Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1)

7. Jackson and Holly Tempest (Tempest, #1)

8. Alex and Lord Macon Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1)

9. Aislinn and Seth Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)

10.  Amy and Roger Amy and Roger's Epic Detour

There are so many more but these came to mind. 


  1. Nice tease! Sounds like a very interesting read. Not quite time travel, but it sounds good, whatever it is. :) Thanks for sharing. Here's my teaser! Happy Tuesday! :D

  2. I loved God Save the Queen! I'm so excited to get my hands on a copy of the next book in the series! Great list!

    Here's my Top Ten!

  3. Hadley and Oliver are so cute together. Great list.

    Nikki @ Imaginative Adventure

  4. WOW. Interesting book and teaser!
    Here's mine for the week- http://lilybloombooks.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/teaser-tuesdaysfeb-12/

  5. Great teaser. I definitely wouldn't mind picking this one up.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever
