Friday, February 15, 2013

Follow Friday #55

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

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Q: Write a letter to your favorite character. Rant, rave or gush…just pretend like they are real and you just want to let them know a "few things". - Activity courtesy of author, Kelly Walker

A:  Hmmm... I have never thought about writing a letter to my favorite character. I am not even sure I have one particular favorite character. I guess one would be Devlin from Wicked Lovely series. I would just have a few things to say to him... 

My Dearest Lovliest Devlin, 

You are hot, you are amazing, you are a the best ever fairy, take me to fairyland... please!!!!


Your Really Devoted, Maybe A Little Obsessesed, Future Girl, 


What about you?


  1. My letter went to Sydney from Bloodlines series this week.
    New follower via GFC.
    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  2. lol.. as he reads the letter he scans around and is like.. "who the hell wrote me this.. stalker " Our awesome book characters probably think we are crazy! great letter! NEW GFC FOLLOWER Check out My F&F ~ Katie @ Inkk

  3. I love obsessive fangirl letters! I haven't read any of the Wicked Lovely books yet, but they are on my wishlist. Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  4. Haha! Nice! I read this series and can vagely recall this character, but for the life of me I cannot truly remember him! The downside of reading too many books!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Ooo, I did NOT like that series lol. I know a lot of people did, but I was not a fan. Nice letter though!

    New GFC follower :)

    My FF Post!

  6. Nice letter hun! :D Not heard of the book, but still :)

    New Follower via GFC :)

    My F&F Post :)
