Saturday, December 1, 2012

Blog Tour: The Dirt by Lori Culwell- Review and Giveaway

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The DirtTitle:  The Dirt 
Author: Lori Culwell
 Booktrope Editions
Publishing Date: November 22nd 2011
Pages: 205
Genre:  YA Comtemporary Chic Lit
Series: Stand Alone
Source: Kindle Edition Provided by AToMR Tours


Author Links: Facebook/Website/Twitter: @loriculwell

Lucy Whitley cannot wait to get out of Palm Desert. It’s not a place for a frizzy-haired science nerd, particularly when her fashion-obsessed older sister Sloane is the head of a clique of pretty girls who rule the school—and practically the whole town.Fortunately, life is about to change forever. Lucy’s dad is getting re-married, and then she can transfer to a boarding school in Connecticut, escaping all the mean girls and the endless whispers about the Whitley family scandal. Everything is going to be perfect—as long as the wedding goes smoothly.

I found the book blurb for this book interesting and something new for me to read so I grabbed the chance to be on the tour. I like the cover, very cute, and the the title, also very cute, so I read the book. I really did enjoy the book. It was fun, fast, and just the thing to give me a smile for a couple of hours. 

Lucy belongs to a very rich, very personality diverse, very crazy family. The family consists of her, an older sister, Sloane, a younger sister, Frankie, her dad, her soon to be step-mother, and a crazy deaf dog, Clem. They pretty much live separate lives in the same house. Her dad is a work-a-holic, her older sister is the pretty Queen Bee mean girl, she is the science nerd, and Frankie is the dare devil, sports nut. The soon to be stepmother is just along for the ride. There is a back story to the family their interupts the wedding Lucy has tried to so hard to plan and make run smoothly and since then nothing is as it should be. 

I really enjoyed reading this book. I really did think there would be more scandal and a little less family bonding, but I still got lots of giggles out of the book. It's hard for me to review this book. I liked it and it was a good read for a couple of hours, but there was nothing that really put me over on the book to talk about.  The writing was well done, the characters were fun, the story was cute, but it was the normal, every day, mean girl, rich girl, family issues, kind of book. It was unique in many ways but still cliche' in many ways. 

I really liked the main character. She was the average science nerd that belonged to the rich famous family in a neighborhood of rich families and grew up with a very snotty, beautiful sister. At the beginning she came off as the secure, I know who I am and I am okay with that type of girl. She wasn't ugly or extremely pretty, she wasn't the school outcast but not popular either, what she had going for her was her brains and some really good friends. Unfortunately that gets lost along the way, as it always does in these books, and she has to find herself all over again. She did find herself all over again and discovered some things along the way. 

This book was full of lots of family problems, fun stuff, and heartwarming stuff. The mixture made the book easy to get through,  the hard stuff didn't seem so hard, and hard stuff I mean family issues, not he life threatening or changing hard stuff. It was a very light read. The only problem I really found with the book was too many things left opened at the end. It felt a little unfinished at the end. Not sure if it was left opened for a reason or if the other issues in the book just didn't warrant an ending, but that was just a minor issue, all in all, I liked it. 

If you are looking for a fast, fun, light read, this is a great book. 

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1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine having all that drama in my family. I really liked Lucy, and I was happy she redeemed herself. Great review..
