Sunday, September 2, 2012

Review: Of Poseidon by Anna Banks

Of Poseidon (Of Poseidon, #1)Title: Of Poseidon
Author: Anna Banks
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publishing Date: May 22nd 2012
Pages: 336
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy /Mythology, Paranormal Romance
Series: Of Poseidon #1
Source: Audio Book

Goodreads Summary:

Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he's heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen — literally, ouch! — both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma's gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom . . .

Told from both Emma and Galen's points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance

I have been waiting for this book, wanting to get my hands on it for a while. The cover is gorgeous and the synopsis sound really good. I am so thrilled I finally was able to read this book and it did not disappoint!

Mermaid books seems to be everywhere lately, I have read quite a few in the past few weeks. What makes this one stand out?

The story: This story has a lot of the basic mermaid myth and fokelore and then some added goodies. The story has a lot of intrigue and mystery surrounding Emma and her gift and what she really is. Myth, mystery, and mermaids make a great story.

Emma meets Galen while on vacation and is drawn to him right away, the same goes for Galen. After a tragedy hits Emma travels back home to find Galen starting at her school. She cannot quite figure out what his deal is, his behavior is quite odd.

When Galen first laid eyes on Emma, he knew something was different about her. Her eyes were the same as his, so he keeps his eyes on her. He notices other things that seem to be out of place and he cannot figure out what she is. He follows her back to her home time and basically starts to stalk her, in a non threatening way. He is sure she is one of his kind, but her skin color and hair color is off.

Once the mystery is solved and the truth is out there, Emma and Galen find themselves spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other, falling for each other. Of course they are both stubborn and will not give away their feelings for each other. It’s like a game of cat and mouse, and the cat and mouse really love each other. It was very amusing and even though it was dragged out just a bit, it was not annoyingly so.

The characters: This is where all the fun is. My goodness what a wonderful cast of characters. Emma is snarky! I love Snarky! She is stubborn, independent, and listens to no one… especially Galen! Galen is cute, cocky, naïve about human ways and very very entertaining. I would love this guy to be in my life! I completely fell head over heels for him.

The secondary characters are just as great! Rayna, Galen’s sister, Toraf, Galen’s best friend, and Rachel, Galen’s human friends make the story even more entertaining. They each bring in their own added bonus of sarcasm and laughs. I became attached to each and every character in this book.

The story was intriguing, different, and so so entertaining. I felt as if I was on a thrill ride the entire way through. The writing style is just amazing, it felt as if the author was a seasoned author. Everything fell into place at a great pace, no slow parts, no waiting, I couldn’t stop the story. I was completely engulfed. Another awesome mermaid story for my pile! The only downside, the ending left me hanging! I have to eagerly wait until the next installment to be released.



  1. I have wanted to read this one since it came out and every review I read makes me want to read it even more! Glad you loved it!

  2. For such awesome reviews and cover, this book has a very stupid blurb. It sounds so mundane that I would never have given it a try.

  3. Great review. I have waiting for this from my library for what seems like forever. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  4. VERY nice!! Heard good things about this! I was on a mermaid kick too! It's already in my TBR mountain with another mermaid book I believe...too many books can't remember all I have!! Hahaha!

    Lovely review! Cannot wait to read this one!

  5. Great review. I want to read this book so badly
