Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog Tour: Snapshots by Patricia Lynne

SnapshotsTitle: Snapshots
Author: Patricia Lynne
Publishing Date: July 18th 2012
Pages: 159
Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Series: Stand Alone
Source: Kindle

Goodreads Summary:


My name is Cyclop Blaine and I am a real person.

“You are mine.”

I am a real person: heedless of a childhood spent under the supervision of an old man I only know as Master.

“You belong to me.”

I am a real person: regardless of my teenage years bound by violence as the adoptive son of the Victory Street Gang's leader.

“You will obey me.”

I am a real person: despite the visions I see in others' eyes. Snapshots of their futures.

“You will cower before me.”

I am a real person: my life will be my own. I belong to no one.

“You. Are. MINE.”


I jumped on this book as soon as I saw the cover and read the synopsis. I thought is sounded amazing, and it was. I am not even sure where to start with this review. The book was intriguing from the very first page. From the first word to the last word I was engrossed. A page turner for sure. The story has action, mystery, huge creep factor, a bit of romance, and a tad of sci-fi mixed in.

Cyclop Blaine is a teenage boy who lives with a gang that runs half the town. He was found around the age 5 starving and along, abandoned on the streets; He was taken in and taught the life of crime. He has a very useful gift, he can see snapshots a person’s future when he looks into their eyes.

When his adoptive father dies and his adoptive brother blames him for his death he is kicked out of the only home has known to move in with a new family. Not long after he finds a way to live a normal life, apartment, job, friends, he is kidnapped by a monster from his past. He is now faced with not only saving his own life but the lives of others that are trapped in the same basement. While he lives in captivity, he finds out that he is not alone and other secrets from his past.

I want to start with the characters. I absolutely adore Cyclop. He was easy to fall for, feel for, and root for. He has had a hard life handed to him, abuse, control, picked on, crime, abandoned, I mean could we do any more to this kid, yet he still keeps going. He keeps his chin up. He finds joy where he can and tries to deal with the rest one step at a time. He is a real fighter, selfless, and loyal. One of the best characters I have read in all year.

There are many other wonderful characters in this book, Amber, Kearney, and Jacob. The good people in Cyclop’s life. They bring good hearts, a reason to fight, and someone that understands what he is going through. They were great supportive characters, especially when we see so little of them each. The relationships throughout the book are either beautiful or devastating and give so much to the life of Cyclop.

The book is paced very well, not rushed and not slow. The writing was just my style, the world built was a world of crime, hate, abuse, it was hard to get through but there was always a light at the end of the tunnel each time his life took a turn for the bad. A very powerful read, beautiful and dark!


About the Author:

Patricia Lynne never set out to become a writer, and in fact, never gave it any thought during high school and college. But now she can't stop writing. Patricia lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo and has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow.

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