Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #22 and Top Ten #12

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out our current read to peak others' curiosity.

I hadn't seen much outside of our piece of land in the ills. The pasture was over a hundred acres and was bordered by tree-covered mountains and lined the valley. 

The Color of Snow

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

Top Ten Tuesday - Romances You Think Would Last Outside The Book!

This one is a little difficult to me. I like to think that all my character will live happily ever after. I feel that is the point in the happy ending. But I will list my favorites. 

1. Bella and Edward (Twilight)
2. Princess Butercup and Wesley (Princess Bride)
3. Astley and Zara  (Need)
4. Finnikin and Evanjalin (Finnikin of the Rock)

5. Violet and Jay (The Body Finder)
6. Daisy and Ryan (Dead is ) 

7. Vincent and Kate (Die for Me) 

The next are both from the Wicked Lovely Series

8. Aislin and Seth
9.Ani and Devlin

10.Isabel and Arkarian (Guardians of Time)


  1. I agree with Violet and Jay and the Wicked Lovely series couples. :) They would def make it. Not so sure about Edward and Bella, but a girl can dream right? :)

  2. Vincent and Kate made my list too! I also put Ani & Devlin on, but took them off because I didn't know if people would really remember them. Great list!

  3. I haven't read The Color of Snow yet but have seen it around. Also, I love your Top 10 graphic!


    1. Thanks! it's all my daughter. She does all my photos and editing.

  4. Awesome choices! I definitely agree with your choice of Violet & Jay. I really need to continue that series. I've only read The Body Finder!
