Friday, August 17, 2012

Follow Friday #29 and TGIF #14

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blogs 

Ed and Em's Book Reviews   and  

Q: What blogger inspires you? It can be any kind, it doesn't have to be a book blog.

A: I only read book blogs, so the book bloggers that inspire me are bloggers that keep up with their blogs everyday and put some really eye-grabbing, funny, interesting, or just fun posts. I like to hear about books, thoughts on books, read or unread. I love to find new books and see what everyone else is reading. I am also inspired by bloggers that take the time to comment. I am really bad about this at times and strive to be better. I love my comments, they mean a lot to me. I have a few bloggers that really take time to write me nice comments that let me know they read my stuff. It means the world to me.  

TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads

Pimp Your Review: Feature a favorite book review you've
written in the past that you feel deserves more love!

This one is hard for me. I am still working on my reviews. Here are a few I thought may have better than others: 

What I Didn't SayStrings AttachedSee You at Harry's

Weekly Wrap-Up


Giveaway Winners:

Read-a-Thon Updates:

Summer Wrap Up:

Bout of Books 

Cover Reveals and Blog Tours:


Weekly Features:


  1. Same here! Meaningful comments mean a lot to me, and I can't help but feel giddy that someone out there took the time to read my review. I always do my best when writing a review. New Follower.

  2. I'm hit & miss with commenting. Sometimes I think working full time and blogging is too much work. It's inspiring that some bloggers manage to find so much time.

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  3. I actually picked up "What I didn't Say" after reading your review and thoroughly enjoyed it!!

    DDS @ b00k r3vi3ws
    ~~ Old Follower

  4. I too love it when bloggers and readers take the time to write thoughtful comments. It makes writing that much more enjoyable! New GFC Follower!
    My FF
    ~Caitlin :)

  5. I hope we are all still working on improving our reviews! There's always room, right? I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work! (Hopefully this isn't a duplicate comment -- my internet is wacko today.)

  6. I've been inspired by just about everyone! In small ways at least. It's hard to pinpoint it down to a select few!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)
