Monday, July 30, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #20 and Top Ten #10

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by  Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two 
sentences out our current read to peak others' curiosity. 

Battlefield (Battlefield, #1)" It concerns me too. Three more teens went missing from the cities." She clicked and moved over so he could read the news article on the screen. 

The Jelly Bean Crisis by Jolene Stockman

The Jelly Bean Crisis 
And that's when I decided on the Jelly Bean Theory: Jelly beans have reputations. The pink ones are better than the green ones, the purple ones are better than the yellow ones, and the red ones taste the best.

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

Top Ten Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With For 24 Hours

This one is hard for me. So many stories I love, and the characters have a good time, but also have bad times... so.... 

1. Bella from Twilight, yes I am a twilight fan and I would love to know the Cullens for just a day. 
2. DJ from Dairy Queen , Living the life on a farm sounds fun but also hard work. I would give it a go for 1 day. 
3. Mirabelle from Kill Me Softly, I wold love to meet all the fairytale decendants. 
4. Cara from Caterpillar , I would love the chance to spend some time Will. 
5. Zara from Need, Astley do I have to say more! 
6. Jessica from Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Darkside, um Lucious, duh! 
7. Faythe from Stray, who wouldn't want to be a werecat
8. Sunny from Boys that Bite , The entire world she lives in sounds fun!
9. Lucy from Graffiti Moon, I would love a night like Lucy's.
10. Any of the characters from Wicked Lovely series! I just love this world!


  1. Both BATTLEFIELD and THE JELLY BEAN CRISIS sound like they'd be good reads. I like the Teasers you posted from both.
    My Teaser is from A VERY SOUTHERN AFFAIR.

  2. Great teasers!!! They both sound very intriguing! Adding to my TBR list! Thanks for sharing! :D

    Here's My TT!

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair (old follower :)

  3. Oh I want to know more about that Jelly Bean theory!! sounds fun :)

    My TT

  4. Hmmm..seems like they're both great reads. Added them on my tbr! The Jelly Bean Crises seems..interesting. ;)
    Here's mine:
    Michelle Shouts Random: Teaser Tuesdays
    P.S New follower.
    Happy Tuesday and enjoy reading!

  5. Booth sound great but I have to agree with the view on jelly beans... Red is best, lol.


    Here's my TT, it's from DUST OF MY WINGS ~ House Millar series


  6. Love the teaser!!
    Here is my Teaser Tuesday!!

    Became a GFC follower while stalking you! LOL!

  7. Battlefield takes my interest, but Jelly Beans sounds like fun!

    Here is mine for this week:

  8. Oooh nice! Although I do have to say that the white jelly beans are the best! Never thought I would like a "pineapple" flavored candy! But according to Brachs that what it is!

    Here's my Teaser

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Well that an awesome teaser for Battlefield. I haven't heard of the books I did enjoy the teasers. Here is mine
    Have a great day!

  10. Great teasers, love the cover of The Jelly Bean Crisis!

    My Tuesday Teaser

  11. Both great teasers!

  12. Great teasers! "Jelly beans have reputations." Love it! Here's my TT.

  13. Great picks! I'm reading Battlefield right now. :) The Jelly Bean Crisis sounds so good and I heart that cover!

    So jealous of Graffiti Moon - I haven't had time to read it and it's killing me. ;)

    Happy Tuesday!

    My teaser is from Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry!
